Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

No harm done so it f sheā€™s going to the shop anyway

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yep. seems like he is backtracking from his original stance

Tell us what the stance was?

But the existing service doing half the work is ok?

Iā€™ll be honest with you, I donā€™t think weā€™re anything unusual and itā€™s a small percentage of my recycling bin would have been drink cans or bottles.

If your wife is got by to the shop anyway and she has room in the car then whatā€™s wrong bc with taking the bottles and cans, get a few quid back

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Theres lots of poor unfortunates going around Dublin rooting in bins and ripping open refuse sacks left out for collection in search of unreturned bottles and cans. Between them and the seagulls the city centre is an awful state every evening. Its only a matter of time before some enterprising chaps branch out in to the leafy suburbs and start going through wheelie bins. :clap:

Slightly more awful-er

A few points if I may -
We already had a paid service. We are still paying for that same service, getting less service.
We are not getting a few quid back like itā€™s free money. We are getting our own money back. Itā€™s got its flaws when the machine is broke or full.
Again I point to the existing services with the trucks doing the same collection. There is also the huge articulated truck that collects from the municipal recycling bins. They are still on the go. Accompanied now by a network of new 26 tonne bin trucks for the collection of these labelled items.
So 4 transportation setups are now doing what 2 used to do.
Thatā€™s twice, x 2, double the previous requirementā€¦ where does that fit with carbon footprint?
And we have lads here lecturing on carpooling :roll_eyes:

For godā€™s sake itā€™s an additional tax on plastic bottles. Recycle them as you did before and suck up the contribution to the environment. Otherwise bring them back at a time that youā€™ll be travelling to the supermarket anyway and return the items and get a little discount off your shopping.

The amount of pissing and moaning about returning some bottles or not. Itā€™s not fucking rocket science.


Calm the jets kid :sweat_smile:

As I said before, i can why you voted for the likes of Dana carberry and mulooly

Does this mean weā€™re not mates any more?

We will always be mates bro


Rod wins!

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RIP Green Party. Ye had a good run


A fella who withheld information from the AG in advance of the referendums.

Some standards they have.

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The electorate are lying in the long unmown grass in wait to punish them now. His propensity to cover up and not be transparent will cost them a lot
of transfers amongst the electorate he tried to mislead.


I agree. Heā€™ll pay for that. And his party will too after backing him.


no more pandering to rural oireland - time to put the planet first

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flesh that out please or else look like a man that just regurgitates far right posters on twitter

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