Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

You are really weird.

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Heā€™s already got @KinvarasPassion.

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A few years back we both happened to be on the train from Dublin and both of us got off at limerick junction(he from the A carriage, me from barely inside the last carriage). The bold Eamon was met by one of the locals who led him to a massive 4 be 4, years old that belched diesel fumes all the way into the plaza in Tipp town whereupon I bade them farewell. Iā€™d say a small forest was planted to offset the emissions. In reference to the Ryanair photo of him asleep I seem to recall him saying that he had spent most of the night before looking after his young lad with additional needs.

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When I lived in Milltown I used to see Eamon regularly around the place. Every time I saw him he looked as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and seemed pretty miserable. That was around the time when they were in coalition with Fianna FƔil and the country was close to financial collapse.


I think Iā€™m pretty lighthearted actually considering the negative effects badly thought out GP policy has had on my livelihood.


4 year anniversary of the government next week.

The right time to go I suppose with an eye on that extra 5 per cent on the pension.

Well maybe you shouldnt pick a career thats destroying the planet

We are born into somethings. But youā€™re a Rovers fan you wouldnā€™t understand.


Which one? Iā€™ve had a look at their Twitter account and theyā€™ve had a few nasty ones this afternoon. Pretty shitty for a big company.


The lettuce will taste particularly poignant tonight all over Ireland


Much like the banter merchants over at PP you have to realise the sort of cunts youā€™re dealing with here.

Deposit return scheme too

Remember the time people were up in arms about it, that was gas

Itā€™s a pile of shite. I still donā€™t understand why we couldnā€™t just have a seperate plastic bottle and can bin


If heā€™s responsible for the bottle top not separating from the bottle I hope he dies screaming

Other than that heā€™s been a great servant

Do you really want another bin? I already have three of them.

Better than standing in a queue behind some cunt with three black sacks who keeps putting the bottles in the wrong way around

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Because lots werenā€™t doing that, so they were hit in the pocket to ensure they do.

Iā€™m not a fan but tbf it appears to be working well now after initial teething problems.

Saying that, it does just appear to be a more annoying way of giving a tenner to my kids every few weeks.

I think thatā€™s a great invention.

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Donā€™t think that was him, I first notified that a year or two ago on holidays in France or Spain.

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Itā€™s fucking awful, especially on milk cartons where I truly donā€™t see the purpose