Eamon Ryan to save Limerick

I wouldn’t think so.

Would you not run yourself


Is that absolute weapon Rachel Chu eligible to run?

Who will Hazel Chu back?

If that’s a euphemism for gay sex then, yes.

I’m just waiting to be asked.

Her husband is a Green TD - as useless a public representative as the country has ever had.

She’d have the neck to go for it anyway, even as a lowly councillor.

I’d love to see her get it

Will he even get re-elected?

Was that you behind me the other day? Well worth the 20 euro

What are the qualifications to be the leader of the greens?

Because that would have been sensible but sure why not make it as incomvenient as possible for people.


Didn’t even have the guts to stand with him.

They split the constituency and most of his votes came from the other area

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The greens are a lunatic cult. With any luck they won’t have any TD to lead them the next time out.


Thank God the climate plan is in law

jeff goldblum checkmate GIF

Good that you’re celebrating the successes of lunatics that have achieved nothing of value. Delighted for you!

Objectively wrong, as usual.

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Sure he’s changed the world…his can return scheme has brought us back from the brink!

For Amo’s sake I hope so