Eamonn Dunphy: Blast from the past

I think this deserves to be resurrected. There was talk of transcribing this a good while ago. I think some of us should follow through on this commitment.



This is pretty funny


Was that from last nite? I can’t get youtube in work

No sorry ben its not. RTE have it up on their website but I cant view it in work because I dont have realplayer in here, no administrator privileges to install it either.

I heard it was gold though.

ah well.

Dunphy has quit newstalk citing too much “management interference”

Obviously to do with his rant against Denis O’Brien last week?

He could get a job anywhere, i suspect employers/radio stations/broadcasters/tv executives/businessmen/marketeers will be beating a path to his door…

Denis O’Brien owns everything so it won’t be that easy.

I fcukin knew this would happen… A great show that will now be taken over by that cnut Ger Colleran.

Word on the grapevine is that Sarah Carey will be the new presenter, most likely as part of a duo with Shane Coleman

Ah jaysus. That would be worth avoiding. Didnt she make a virtue out being embarressed by the mahon tribunal when on prime time a while ago.

This DOB situation is becoming citizen kane like!


Eamon Dunphy leaving Newstalk with a bang

On what is his final show on Newstalk this morning, Eamon Dunphy has accused station owner Denis O’Brien of “hating journalists”.

Yesterday Dunphy said that he was leaving the station due to interference from management and a push to put a more positive spin on the news.

In today’s Sunday Times he said that he was quitting in solidarity over the firing of Sam Smyth from sister station Today FM and that management wanted “dissenting voices” like Constantin Gurdgiev off the show.

Gurdgiev is on the panel of today’s final show and in a broadside at O’Brien Dunphy accused him of “hating journalists” and that he “owns members of the Oireachtas”.

How the media mogul and billionaire will react to these comments will become clear in the coming days we expect.

Good man Dunph :clap:

I overheard Dunphy ranting about an hour ago. Will they even allow this up on the website?

Yeah it’s up already.

I hope Eamon has a good solicitor. O’Brien sues pretty much any journalist who says or writes anything remotely negative about him. Sam Smyth was nervous even mentioning the issue on his last show.

“Intimidated and blackguarded”…Amazing it’s up on the website.

When exactly does his rant start? Is it the first hour?

Go to 39.30 in Part 1

“They buy politicians like they buy dinners in fancy restaurants.”

probably uploads automatically as all the shows would be digi now, and i’d say there is a chance they haven’t copped it.