Eamonn Dunphy: Blast from the past

Indeed especially considering fact that he already had taken the pay cut in the summer. He was not due to take another one. If Kiberd is gone too the station has truly gone to shit in current affairs department with clear agenda. O’Donoghue and Yates show is awful. Yates fancies himself as some sort of hard hitting journalist but in truth he is poorly researched and his questioning is poor. Their phoney banter i s most cringeworthy thing on radio these days. Hook is just a buffoon and now Sarah Carey is looking afer the news on the weekends. Hard to imagine a worse possible line up.
Cooper takes a huge amount of time off these days on Today FM. I find he is too afraid to rock the boat lately too.

Whatever your thoughts on him, it’s so disappointing you switch on the radio for the drive home and that prat Savage is on.

He’s perfectly entitled not to take a pay cut if he doesn’t want to. For what it’s worth, I think O’Brien stands for everything that is wrong with this society, from using his “influence” with key politicians to make his wealth to his insidious control of the Irish media while at the same time being a tax exile.

However, one can’t ignore Dunphy’s previous. He said something similar about O’Brien last time he left Newstalk but went back to work for them within a year or two of saying it. He has been both positive and negative about Sir Anthony depending on what suits him best at a given time. He’s not a reliable witness. I may as well repeat myself though, it doesn’t mean what he’s saying isn’t right.

Agree on not ignoring his previous but why keep mentioning fact about paycut when he took a paycut many months ago. If Newstalk muddy the waters enough people will start to believe it was an issue when it wasn’t. Typical O’Brien spin.
Interesting profile of Willie O’Reilly yesterday in Business Post. Very clear from it how active O’Brien is compared to previous owners. Some owners let their influence be known by just being a threat and letting their views be known without actually getting involved in day to day business. It seems O’Brien can’t even stick to that.


dunphy only gives a fuck about himself, he loves being the centre of attention,he has principles that he flips the whole time

Dunphy does his own thing. I applaud him for making the career he has done. Who the fuck takes him 100% seriously? So what matter if his principles are as malleable as hot tar.

Friday November 04 2011
BROADCASTER George Hook has used Twitter to launch a tirade of insults aimed at his former Newstalk colleague Eamon Dunphy.
Dunphy resigned from the radio station last week, and on his last show made critical comments about owner Denis O’Brien and the way Newstalk was run.
Hook, who is in Haiti this week with O’Brien’s Haven charity, last night posted a series of tweets attacking Dunphy.
The first, “Found a voodoo replica of Dunphy here in Haiti - I have stuck a pin in his most obvious feature” was then followed by “The voodoo doll of Dunphy is frothing at the mouth.”
He then tweeted “Dunphy is like Greece - full of crap but people keep giving him huge money” before concluding “Hook controversial by conviction; Dunphy by opportunism”.
It’s not the first time Hook has used Twitter to have a go at his enemies.
Last month, he used the social media to trade insults with Irish rugby captain Brian O’Driscoll during the Rugby World Cup.

Well that’s fucking true anyway. Cooper is still very good for the most part but does seem to ignore the issues at O’Brien’s media stable.

O’Brien now threatening to sue Dunphy. That is five journalists he is going after now.

That’s some of the worst banter I’ve ever come across. I can’t stand that ignorant grunting, slobbering, patronising prick of a man.

They were discussing this on Drive Time. Since 1998 O’Brien has taken 17 separate libel actions against various journalists and media outlets

I’d urge posters to be guarded in what they say about bully boy O’Brien for fear the man who has done great harm to Irish society brings this great institution down.

hopefully the right wing pan unionist irish media stop libelling from now on


The indo shamelessy behind o’brien here. Some of it is funny enough but the subtext that Dunphy is always stirring shit, makes stuff up etc.

I’ll have this fully transcribed by the end of the week. For some parts it’s almost funnier on paper.


Only 5 years work on this and nearly there.

[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: Hang on a second now don’t misquote me, I said that was written.[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: Why are you introducing it to this discussion, WHY?[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: Because I am saying there’s an alternative view[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: and whose view is it?[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: Thats’ the, that’s the view that was[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: Whose view is it?[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: In a column on the Sunday Times[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: Which column, by who?[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: It’s on the back page of the Sunday Times, last Sunday look at it.[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: And who wrote it?[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: I can’t remember his name.[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: I’ll tell you who wrote it[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: Who?[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: I can remember his name, Rod Liddle he’s the…[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: yeah that’s the guy[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy:… guy who ran away and left his wife for a young one.[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Bill: Ah Eamon come on now, that, that’s out of order that kinda stuff.[/size][/font]
[font=Calibri][size=4]Dunphy: No it’s not, you started it. I didn’t. You didn’t even know who wrote it. I know who wrote it.[/size][/font]