Eddie halvey

Was it not the quarter final v Perpignan?

Semi final I thought.

What had Mick Galwey got to do with it SS?

Thought the semifinal was on a Sunday, the quarterfinal was on a saturday…

You’d be right there now that you mention it.

Gave a character reference or something.

Boxty, it is well known that Halvey is and was a mental cunt ever before this accident happened.

Had a long post written but just deleted it, not worth posting it really. Summary, there is a lot has gone on in this case that hasnt been reported. None of it changes the facts but it is a fucking scandal.

Galwey is a fuckwit and has gone down even further in my estimation.

One question though, this happened the morning of the 2006 Munster Leinster semi final, in fact I think the young fella and his family were also on their way to the match. Did halvey stay out all night boozing and sit into the car and head straight for Dublin, or did he go on a major bender the night before and just get up at the crack of dawn and strike off for Dublin?

MBB is bang on the money re his partying exploits. Fucked up his rugby career, has fucked up his life now. Man is in a bad way by all accounts, but not as bad as the life he has ruined.


One question though, this happened the morning of the 2006 Munster Leinster semi final, in fact I think the young fella and his family were also on their way to the match. [/QUOTE]

The young lad, his father and his uncle were on their way to Belfast/northern ireland, the uncle was a cab driver and was buying a car…They left early to beat the traffic going to the match…

Puke is definitely right on this one, it was the morning of the quarter final v Perpignan not the semi v Leinster.

[quote=“dancarter”]Did halvey stay out all night boozing and sit into the car and head straight for Dublin, or did he go on a major bender the night before and just get up at the crack of dawn and strike off for Dublin?

Read a good bit about this over the last three years, certainly appears that that is what happened alright. As I said earlier, there should be a manslaughter charge for stuiff like this. Even the likes of Philip Sheedy did two and a half years in prison.

Which happened though Sid.

Plenty fellas have sat into the car the morning after the night before, not many would sit into the car straight from the pub/club

Excuse my ignorance, who’s Philip Sheedy?

what kind of remorse has halvey shown?

phillip sheedy was an architect who went drink driving and nearly wiped out a family of 4 but only the mother died, was sentenced to 6 years but after 2 years, his case was brought before a CC Judge who released him, there was a public outcry and he voluntarily went back to prison

turns out he did work for joe burke (bertie’s mate who may or may not have done some disgusting things, case dropped again) and a letter from beeties office greased the wheels of “justice”, the only good thing of it all was the judge rightly resigned and the Order for released was quashed

None until he showed up in court. I believe this would be standard advice from a solicitor to a client though

Drinking driving case.

Got off after Hugh O’Flaherty intervened.

O’Flaherty resigned from High Court as a result.

[quote=“dancarter”]Which happened though Sid.

Plenty fellas have sat into the car the morning after the night before, not many would sit into the car straight from the pub/club[/QUOTE]

The story I heard was he came back from D’Icon and hopped in the jeep.

absolutely none

but then again he should have faced this charge a long time ago which would have made him apologise to the mother sooner, was looking at the trial notes today of a guy convicted for sexual assault who apologised on the stand to his victim, the judge had none of it and gave him a longer sentence than he would normally have got, this logic should have applied in halvey’s case

I would imagine that a civil case can’t be far off

[quote=“artfoley”]phillip sheedy was an architect who went drink driving and nearly wiped out a family of 4 but only the mother died, was sentenced to 6 years but after 2 years, his case was brought before a CC Judge who released him, there was a public outcry and he voluntarily went back to prison

turns out he did work for joe burke (bertie’s mate who may or may not have done some disgusting things, case dropped again) and a letter from beeties office greased the wheels of “justice”, the only good thing of it all was the judge rightly resigned and the Order for released was quashed[/QUOTE]

Was Hugh O’Flaherty not involved in that Art?

EDIT - Just saw the judge comment at the end.

with the furore surrounding this he would have been better advised to put his hands up a long time ago

he was indeed but the circuit court lad got the bullet as well

n October 1997, Philip Sheedy was jailed for four years for killing, while he was driving drunk, Anne Ryan, a Tallaght mother of two young children. Sheedy spent six months in Mountjoy and was then transferred to Shelton Abbey.

On October 14th, 1998, Joe Burke, a long-time associate of Bertie Ahern and one of the contributors to the infamous dig-out, visited Sheedy in Shelton Abbey. Some weeks later, Sheedy’s case was re-listed and he was released from prison.

Both Supreme Court judge Hugh O’Flaherty and the judge who released Philip Sheedy, Cyril Kelly, resigned as a result of the scandal that blew up when these facts emerged subsequently.

Philip Sheedy had worked for Joe Burke’s pub refurbishment business. Though we were told that Joe Burke never discussed the case with Bertie Ahern, in July 1998 the Taoiseach, by an extraordinary coincidence, asked the then minister for justice, whether it would be possible for Philip Sheedy to get day release. The Taoiseach’s inquiry was recorded in a written note by his secretary simply as “Justice - what’s the story?”

And that was the question that was never satisfactorily answered. The Taoiseach assured us all that it was “nonsense to suggest that the Government showed any special sympathy to Mr Sheedy . . . I applied no political pressure to get Mr Sheedy early release”.

That may well be true, and there is no evidence to the contrary. What there was, however, was an extraordinary set of interventions at the highest level to have a criminal released from prison, and a very peculiar reluctance on Bertie Ahern’s part to disclose the fact that he had made representations on Philip Sheedy’s behalf.

When the controversy broke, and he was reminded of his actions by his private secretary, he told the cabinet and undertook to reveal the information to the Dil. But he didn’t do so and the information was revealed instead by the Sunday Tribune.

It is interesting, in hindsight, to recall Bertie Ahern’s excuse for his reluctance to reveal his role in the affair. It arose, he said, from a “legitimate concern not to feed conspiracy theories, or by juxtaposing irrelevant information to imply or signal the probability of some hidden connection”.

And this, surely, is precisely the reason why he should never have taken money from private individuals like Joe Burke in the first place. The probability of some hidden connection is always on the minds of Irish people, partly because we know from bitter experience that they may exist and partly because it is a small country with a love of gossip.

When money is changing hands, conspiracy theories become all too credible, even when they’re dead wrong. A coincidence of the kind that happened, on the Taoiseach’s account, in the Sheedy case, starts to smell very fishy.

You can’t run a country on those assumptions and this one shouldn’t be run by someone who has done so much to feed them.

2008 The Irish Times