Eddie halvey

In fairness to Sheedy he did voluntarily go back to prison as Art has said. Plus he did time in the first place. Not defending the guy but at least there was some accountability and there was an outcry in the Dil. Havenā€™t heard any of that in this case.

Dan if youā€™ve interesting facts a PM wouldnā€™t go amiss.

Halvey went straight from a night on the tear into his jeep to drive to Dublin. Unbelievable. Those SUV things are lethal weapons at the best of times. The old boys club is the only reason he wasnā€™t nailed. ā€œForensic difficultiesā€ were the reason the death by dangerous driving charge was not pursued. FFS.

Philip Sheedy case


Brass neck Ahern actually nominated Judge Oā€™Flaherty for a position at the European Investment Bank (147k a year) a year after Oā€™Flaherty had to resign. More jobs for the boys. There was such a furore though that he withdrew.

Iā€™d take a pm too Dan.

I think the fact whether he went out and sat straight into jeep to go to Dublin or if he went to bed first is neither here nor there. It was 6am in the morning there wasnā€™t a hope in hell he could have thought he was ok to drive. This wasnā€™t a case of lad driving home after collecting the car at 10 in the morning or something.

One question though, this happened the morning of the 2006 Munster Leinster semi final, in fact I think the young fella and his family were also on their way to the match.[/QUOTE]

think the young fella was heading up north with his uncle and somebody else to buy a carā€¦

Iā€™m not sure now which match it was now, Puke has put doubts in my mind, anyway it hardly matters. Anyway Halvey sat into the car straight from a party and said heā€™d head straight to Dublin, fcuking bonkers. He also acted the proper cunt at the scene. I was told this by paramedics.

ā€˜Montyā€™ Tierney is the main taximan in Bruff and the lads were going up early to buy a car up north, little did they know a reckless degenerate kunt like Halvey would be on the road too. I happened to be at a memorial mass for all the souls in the parish who died throughout the year as one of my loved ones also died the same year, a full 8 months later the anguish from the Tierney/Walsh family was unreal.

Halvey might think heā€™s being clever, but heā€™d be better off if he did a year or two in jail. He could pay his debt and move on. Heā€™s a pariah already (I believe his business has collapsed) but heā€™s an even bigger one now after this whitewash. As for Galway, didnā€™t like the cut of him when I saw him and his leery mate Brent Pope in Galway last year, the state of them chasing after young girls. Disgusting to be frank.

Good to see zero tolerance being applied to those pesky Latvian drunk drivers. They probably donā€™t know anything about rugby.


yeah now we just have to tell them and their neighbours to calm down with all the rape charges they seem to be up onā€¦nearly every second case you see in ā€˜the hedaldā€™ the defendant seems to be eastern europeanā€¦

Thinly veiled ā€œ1/2 the population of Eastern Europe are rapistsā€

ridiculousā€¦half the population arenā€™t hereā€¦


Oh right so there are no rape cases in Eastern Europe then.

no just headcasesā€¦

So they only decide to become rapists when they come to Ireland. :pint:

might have something to do with the accessibilty to whores here as opposed to thereā€¦:confused:

Itā€™s probably the opposite. Maybe theyā€™re riddled with whores over there and the prudish Irish birds here just wont put out for them.

thats what I meantā€¦

flano is surrounded by whores on a daily and nightly basis, he would find it hard to believe other countries may have more of them.

Thinly veiled ā€œFlano is a whore magnetā€

is that a good thing though?..they must know they have no competitionā€¦