Electric Picnic

The EP seems to be a case of middle Ireland struggling to bridge the gap between their youth and adulthood .

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What a conceited, convoluted load of absolute shit to try and make yourself sound smart.

You really are a terrible prick


There’s a lot of 40 something wankers gone to it from what I see.

Each to their own but we can all have an aul comment .

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Did you get washed out of it last night with the deluge


This is ironical

I hope it pisses rain on them and the wind blows away all the tents

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Or maybe people just enjoy a bit of music and seeing it in a live environment over a long weekend. It’s weird why people bothered by it really


Anything beyond going to the same pubs with the same lads having the same conversations every weekend is way too out there for some lads. God forbid anyone goes away and actually enjoys themselves

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Is there a lactation tent at EP?


Gofundme mate. You’re on a winner here

One way mirror, lads would pay good money to view the process.

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This site is populated by some of the most miserable joyless cunts you’d ever encounter, you’re hardly surprised with these comments :grinning:


Not surprised at all. Just calling it out for what it is.

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It is was that alone then grand . I am not gone on outdoor festivals due to liking comforts and sound inconsistency . However the whole preachy tones and media types needing to broadcast their presence there is a bit of a pain .

FWIW I hope no one gets soaked there and I hope no one ends up with a bad belly after the food and drink .

The anti music festival vibe is just the haterz and trollz limbering up for a sustained attack on the rubby in a few weeks time.


Every weather forecast I’ve seen or heard since Thursday has concentrated on the forecast for Stradbally. Newspapers are full of supplements and pull-outs. The media have latched on to this particular event like white on rice and it gets shoved in our face from all angles.

You could understand if the line-up was anyway good but it’s a bunch of nobodies for the most part. They sell the body and soul shite like it’s an outer body experience and there are much easier and cheaper ways to get a nice bite to eat or go see a comedian. To top it all off you get to see that fat middle aged, obnoxious OTB cunt have ridiculous bantz with some sports stars on stage.

Each to their own and I hope whoever is there has a lovely time but for me it’s just mutton dressed as lamb


A bumper 6 months in store I’d say

Regardless of the outcome. Id say the haterz have the draw already storyboarded right up to what happens if we won it. The new server came just in time

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You really are the most boring cunt on here :smile:

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We’ll have filled out boots by December.