Electric Picnic

Electric Picnic have a long history of being cunts to their performers. Many acts you’d expect to be earning a good few quid are doing it for free or fuck all. And I’m not talking about lads on the dodgy stages. Support acts on the big stages etc…


Feck the picnic, get the ploughing back on!

If the Attorney General can save those who went to the Merrion, then they can save the Picnic,

The ploughing is on mate

It will be some coup by Leo.

Yet again he’s managed to position himself as the guy opening everything up, while Martin is the man shutting everything down.


I hope it snows all weekend.

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I appeared on stage years ago at EP with a band very very briefly (2 minutes) I think they got €300 but I know of loads of bands who’ve done it since for a few free passes and a few warm cans of lager. I also know a number of bands who turn it down annually because of the shitty conditions.

We’re you the one playing the tambourine?

Less than that even.


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It’ll do that anyway


Bring it home

Aslan Sunday night will be off the chain

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You can be Sure the cheerleaders for this are the same lads advocating a meaningful Xmas

All fucking drink with em they won’t even see Níle Rogers set


It would be apt if Christy died on stage in Stradbally

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Christy raising Tony’s and Leo’s arms aloft to the acclaim of the crowd after an encore of “How can I protect you in this crazy world” would be a fitting way to bring the curtain down on this pandemic


You would have to think this needs the green light by Monday or it won’t be happening. It’s already hard to see it going ahead with less than 4 weeks to go.