Elon Musk

I understand that. But Twitter is probably the thin end of the wedge.

You could have people at Twitter who were playing on buying a house in next couple of months. Going through all the paperwork. And now, they have no job.

“But, yeah, sure isn’t there loads of jobs out there. Would those lefties go off and stop complaining etc etc etc.”


Lets hope you’re right. Id have my doubts. Lad who works for us spent nearly a year finding a gaff for him and his missus. Sent emails/called to nearly every place in town that came up. Rarely even got to a viewing stage. Took him a year to find an overpriced rental on Cork st. Each viewing has hundreds looking for it.

Ive heard that too. Hopefully they are readonably priced.

There is no “view of society”; there is only society. Twitter has and will always be a horrible place that, on balance, takes more than it gives to society.


That’s true. You can fire somebody in Ireland once you’re prepared to pay them - could be two years salary. Lots of continental EU countries have a right for employee to get the job back/provisions that don’t allow the termination ab initio

We have Twitter to thank for Donald Trump.

The SF IRA Lads wanted MNCs gone and lower rents so they should be happy today. It’s a win win

I think you can be legitimately laid off if there is no longer work for you at the company. That’s the case in the UK anyway.

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Can you name some of these countries ? A lot of EU countries seem to be ten times worse than us … particularly Southern mainland Europe .

Yes it’s the same in Ireland but you have to go through a redundancy process and pay at a minimum statutory redundancy.

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Germany off the top of my head. Italy too I think.

Think you could do them for unfair selection for redundancy under unfair dismissals act which is a max of two years pay and you only need a years service …

This is the reality now. The average cost of a room is probably a grand a month. I don’t think the reality of the housing crisis has filtered through to people not affected by it.

Yeah, that’s the rule here too.

You’re entitled to statutory redundancy at a minimum which is 2 weeks pay for every year of service (capped at €600 a week).

I don’t know how long Twitter have been in Ireland but I imagine some of those employees are there relatively recently.

Might be looking at statutory redundancy of €6k or so. Now, a lot of employers will give a lot lot more on top of that… don’t know whether that is likely here.

I have my doubts their process and the notice periods will stand up to scrutiny.

What Twitter giveth, it taketh away.

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They give more as an incentive not to be sued.

In some cases, the Irish business has been shut down completely. I thin that would stand up to most scrutiny if that business decision was made.

But again, most can afford to.

Generally 2/3 weeks + 2 stat per year … think banks usually give 4+2 …
Was a lot more generous back in the day with the Gov rebate …a lot of companies fired on a few extra weeks and left the bill with the gov…it’s all changed now…