Elon Musk

Elon Musk is a divisive character. Firstly, it’s worth noting that he is autistic. I note this, as where he lies on the spectrum enables his brain to potentially do what pretty much any other human being in the world at this point, can not. I note it as well, because it’s important to acknowledge that many, or if not most and possible all on the autism spectrum, struggle with aspects of life that those without do with ease, and take for granted. Yes, it’s easy to label Elon a genius for his inventions but I would be very weary of this push to elevate him to a position of authority on world thinking, due to the imbalance of his brain which makes him so special, also puts him in a place which struggles to understand the many complexities of humans to marry with his unquestionable brain power, and drive.


Could you fire up a few specific examples of areas where he stuggles to cope, or understand “complexities of humans”?

Excellent point, he definitely appears to be near genius while also being out of touch with reality,
Greta Thunberg and he have more in common than they’d think

I like Musk, but with an awareness of the imbalance in his mindbean dept in mind, I remind myself not to fall into the fanboy trip that many have blindly fallen into.

Every human has strengths and weaknesses.

Calling the guy trying to get the trapped thai kids a pedo is one example of poor coping mechanisms. He wanted his tech to be used, they went a different route and he started windmilling with horrible slurs

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A dumb hit puece really mostly he said/she said and two steps removed work place complaints, besides he was right about the vaccine and not entirely wrongabouttrudeau.
The paedo slur was pathetic- but surely you of all people can sympathise with him? Dont you resort to similar tactics?

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I don’'t have a legion of fanboys :joy:

Elon Musk is 500 years ahead of his time, christ, he has so many high level projects on the go, no one else could do it

The wanted Galileo executed and all that shit, Musk is the modern day Galileo, they are doing their best to cancel him but he is too rich and clever


Idiocracy was set 500 years in the future so I suppose that would make sense.

He’s just changed how cars are built based on looking at a toy car. It’s marvelous to see a mind approach a problem and ask “why not?”

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Musk see solutions, the vast majority see problems


Id say da vinci moreso

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Mostly final ones.

He saved Humanity when he bought twitter


…because Joe Rogan said so?

If you get your worldview from Rogan, god help you. :joy:

Let’s see if Israel go after this pox on humanity the way they went after Cosgrave. I doubt it somehow.


This is genuinely jaw dropping when you see the first tweet that the second guy who Musk said was “speaking the truth” was responding to.

Musk is literally positioning himself as the “Hitler was right” guy.

It seems a bit mad to me that the guy who controls the world’s most influential opinion forming device and has an unchallenged platform like few other people on earth can be a raving Jew hater who promotes Hitler style conspiracy theories, and the world, including Israel, just sort of shrugs its shoulders in apathy.

Elon Musk’s Disturbing ‘Truth’

The billionaire affirmed the deadliest anti-Semitic conspiracy theory in recent American history.

By Yair Rosenberg

NOVEMBER 15, 2023, 10:52 PM ET

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society “likes to bring invaders in that kill our people … Screw your optics, I’m going in.” Those were the last words posted online by Robert Bowers before he massacred worshippers at Pittsburgh’s Tree of Life synagogue in 2018. It was the single deadliest anti-Semitic attack in American history. In previous postings, Bowers explained the grievances that led him to commit mass murder. He shared meme after meme asserting that Jews were conspiring to flood the country with brown people in order to oppose and displace the white race. “Open you Eyes!” declared one. “It’s the filthy EVIL jews Bringing the Filthy EVIL Muslims into the Country!”

On Wednesday night, the world’s wealthiest man affirmed this same conspiracy theory on X, formerly Twitter, the social-media site he owns. Like so many of Elon Musk’s acts of self-immolation, it happened in the space of a tweet. The incident began with a post from a conservative Jewish user who complained about anti-Semitic content on social media during the current Gaza conflict. “To the cowards hiding behind the anonymity of the internet and posting ‘Hitler was right,’” he wrote. “You got something you want to say? Why dont you say it to our faces.” A small-time white-nationalist account soon responded by attributing this anti-Semitism to minorities, and blaming it on the Jews:

Jewish commun[i]ties have been pushing the exact kind of dialectical hatred against whites that they claim to want people to stop using against them.

I’m deeply disinterested in giving the tiniest shit now about western Jewish populations coming to the disturbing realization that those hordes of minorities that [they] support flooding their country don’t exactly like them too much.

You want truth said to your face, there it is.

This exchange would have languished in obscurity had Musk not replied to this bigoted bromide with six words: “You have said the actual truth.”

It should not need to be said, but sadly it does: Jews—a famously fractious people that includes Jared Kushner, George Soros, Bill Maher, and Noam Chomsky—do not have a shared consensus, let alone a collective conspiracy to subordinate white people through immigration policy. And even if there were a unified Jewish agenda, it would make absolutely no difference. That’s because, contrary to deranged delusions of anti-Jewish conspiracy theorists, public policy is not set by the 0.2 percent of the world population that is Jewish, but by the 99.8 percent that isn’t.

All of these basic facts somehow escaped America’s most famous entrepreneur.

More than an hour later, after it became clear that Musk’s missive was doing profound damage to his already dented reputation, the billionaire attempted to clean up his claims about the Jewish community’s perfidy by saying that he was only referring to the Anti-Defamation League—as though being anti-Semitic toward one group of Jews is somehow less objectionable. (It’s not.) In any case, the walk-back lasted five minutes. After another critic complained that it was “not fair to say or truthful to say that ‘Jewish communities’ promote dialectical hatred towards white,” Musk replied: “You right that this does not extend to all Jewish communities, but it is also not just limited to ADL.”

None of this is new. It wasn’t the first time Musk echoed anti-Semitic conspiracy theories from his social-media bubble. And it wasn’t the first time he blamed anti-Semitism on Jewish actions, pinning the prejudice on its victims. After months of marinating in the most conspiratorial cesspools of his own site, Musk arrived today at his inevitable destination.

But just because Musk’s affirmation of white-nationalist ideology was the unsurprising outcome of his online radicalization spiral doesn’t make it any less devastating—or dangerous. Anti-Semites believe that a minuscule Jewish minority controls the direction of the non-Jewish majority. But the truth is the opposite: The fate of the tiny Jewish community rests in the hands of non-Jewish society. Whether the anti-Jewish ideas of Musk and others become the new normal is not up to Jews; it’s up to everyone else.

Yair Rosenberg is a staff writer at The Atlantic and the author of its newsletter Deep Shtetl, about the intersection of politics, culture, and religion.

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We are very lucky to live at the same time as Elon

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