Elon Musk

Bonkers. Sid, why donā€™t the Israel lobby go after him the way they went after paddy? Itā€™s like antisemitism is fine but criticism of Israel isnā€™t.

Iā€™ve long made the point that Israel doesnā€™t actually care about anti-Semitism in the world, it only cares about buying support, or silence and complicity - and if people go against their interests, theyā€™ll wield the ā€œanti-Semiteā€ smear against them.

Israel is openly friendly with appalling anti-Semites like Donald Trump and Viktor Orban because they support Israel.

Cosgrave was an easy target (though the nature of his Twitter activity was dodgy as hell and he canā€™t complain about being exposed) because his Twitter army was a miniscule group of Irish cranks. Muskā€™s is Trump-like. He has millions of highly vocal, adoring manbabies. His appeal is a cult. He has immense power, more power than any non-state actor individual in the world I can think of, ever. Musk clearly hates the idea of democracy. It seems obvious to me he is on the side of Russia and China and the international far right, and on the side of causing utter chaos in the west to bring down democracy. He wants to bring about a world of oligarchy where he is the king of the world. Israel, instead of actually calling out his rabid anti-Semitism when it should do so, merely wants access to his power and influence.

Heā€™s an absolute charlatan on every level. He doesnā€™t even have an engineering degree FFS sake and merely buys up stuff and takes the credit for any success like David May shoulder high after the 1999 Champions League final.


I thought Twitter was supposed to be dead by now

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The lads who are so exercised by Musk seem to be the ones who consume it the most.


Is Mastodon still a thing?

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what was the other thing? threads or something

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Iā€™d follow a lot of nerds to help keep abreast of work stuff. They migrated enmasse to Mastadon. Iā€™ve noticed a few of them come crawling back lately.

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Truth social?

They are going hard for him again. Thankfully heā€™s too rich and powerful to be cancelled. Its brilliant the wankers canā€™t touch him


Keep doing the right thing.


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Elon should be up for the Noble Peace Prize


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Elon Musk superfan @Tierneevin1979 also thinks Pizzagate is real.

Free speech!


Elon set the ball in motion when he helped Joe Rogan slam a pineapple and anchovy pizza on the podcast a few weeks back. When Pizzagate is finally exposed, it will be a great day for the great vindication Musk is part of. Hail hail.


lads are more concerned with red herring pizza than the antics of podesta, epstein, clinton etc

Wrong thread, the lookalikes thread is :point_down::point_down::point_down::point_down: