Elon Musk

Some lads arent able for the INTERNET.

Twitter is failing, so the ownership of it dwindles in importance too, right?

Yep and I presume the value of it is way below the 44 Billion that tool paid for it.

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Money is of no consequence. They bought it as a propoganda tool. Now if the numbers start dropping exponentially it would be very funny…

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They bought it to try and rig elections

Might be due to a clearout of bot accounts.

He cleared out bot accounts like Putin cleared out corruption in Russia.

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You’ve to wade through an avalanche of spam/bot shite/guff just to find the entertaining stuff about the huns & the other Twitter favourites/staples of yore.


I’m gone off it anyway and I know a few others who have also left.

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I haven’t posted on it since @Bandage started following me.


A devastating blow to Elon

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Following you online or following you around Dublin bay north? Im pretty sure he offers both services

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On Twitter.

Hardly. :roll_eyes:


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Self awareness not Elon’s strong suit. He reposted this earlier.

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Musk would give a man chills like hitler did.
A real evil cunt


This Elon Musk?

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The Brits did sell government bonds to raise money to ‘buy’ the slaves freedom from their master, they were multi century bonds with some only maturing in the last decade. They essentially bailed out the slave owners to prevent an up rising by outlawing the industry