End the Lockdown - Plans for Resistance, Plans for Change

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We like to party.
We like, we like to party.


Facebook group to start over the weekend.


It’s great to see lads with get up n go. Fair play @Tank.

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You have my vote @tank but I can’t participate due to my very important job.

I can subtly sabotage other parties if that helps?

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@Tank, can you send me on a Purple and Yellow version please?

The liberation of Ireland suffered a major setback today. I had started a Facebook group called “End the Lockdown of Ireland” under a false name, Seóirse Óg and I was up to 100+ members. I used the fake name because I’m also applying for a job in the civil service at the moment.

Anyway, the revolution may be temporarily on hold because Facebook suspended my account today and indknt know if I’m going to get it back.

The plan was to get up to about 250 members and start podcasting short videos on the platform. Now I dont know what the plan is.

But I dont understand how lads on here can here about plans to end the off-licences and extend the lockdown for four years and do nothing. Would you fucking grow a pair, we’re fighting fucking tyranny here. The same lads joke about how they’d love to see the snowflakes in a war. You’re in a fucking war against your families, your culture and your entire way of life and you’re doing fucking nothing. RESIST THE OCCUPTION. RESIST THE DOCTATORSHIP.

So anyway, this is not the end but I dont know what the plan B is. Maybe just switch to Twitter and advance more quickly with the video logs. But I really don’t want to use my real name because I’ll have all my doctor cousins disowning me so that’s a problem.

TFK have let me down so far but the time will soon come when you and I will have to take a stand.

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Why don’t you just use a fake name, like Tommy Robinson or something?

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We’re exiled from our own land.

I’m beginning to think @Tank was not the brilliant tactician we thought he was

Use the Irish form of your name so people can’t find you. Convert it to Middle Irish for bonus points.

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I’m watching the news that indoor dining will be complete banned in Dublin. The entire roadmap was a lie. This will never end. There is no plan for it ending. There is no realistic hope of “living with the virus” and no guarantee of a vaccine.

No visitors in homes. No sports. As soon as these restrictions end then the virus will just pop back again.

I want a serious discussion on this thread.

I have no interest in the opinions of pro-lockdown people like CarryHarry and Esteban, you lads can just fuck off.

I want to be very honest about what happened so far and then I want a genuine plan about how to fight this complete shit. We have to defeat these cunts. And you fuckers have to get off your ass or else you will never get your lives back.

What I’ve done so far and what’s gone wrong
I started a Facebook group and posted sensible posts like “250 new cases today but… surprise… no deaths!” That kind of shite. I posted links to what I thought were sensible articles questioning the current policy. No conspiracy theories whatsoever. The group has over 300 members. I got these members by adding people from the bigger, more famous “End the Lockdown” group. Every single person who joined was a complete mentaller. I’d post about how there are no deaths and the replies would be “Of course there’s no deaths - there’s no virus!” There were posters saying that Leo Varadkar is Adolf Hitler’s grandson and Simon Harris is a descendant of Josef Goebells. A lot of shit was posted against facemasks. Complete and utter madness. QAnon shit was being posted. I’ve decided that Facebook is dead as a platform anyway but the group achieved nothing. I ended up just giving a platform for the far right.

What can we do
Now we have to do fucking something ok? This is never going to fucking end, it’s going to go on for years.

There has to be some sort of sensible motivation against this. There’ll be 2 or 3 weeks of this and as soon as that period ends there’ll be another jump in the virus numbers. It’s just not good enough to post shite on TFK. I want real suggestions for change. Currently I honestly think that there has to be a sensible, non-conspiracy-theory political party to oppose the Lockdown but I have no idea of how to go about that. Can anyone even point me in the direction of such a group that might already exist?

And there has to be public resistance, civil disobedience.

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Do you need a secretary?

In all seriousness I would love you to be secretary, whether it be a party or a lobby group or what. You’ve been consistently sensible on this. PM me.

But I don’t know what we will do. Maybe an idea would be to just start a youtube channel to interview the like of that poor doctor who got sacked from the HSE.


Go and yell at some clouds.

Hysteria and ‘non’ partisan news outlets pushing fear and unfounded ‘science’.

The worst thing is, those who lied will probably never be held accountable


RIP @tank old friend.

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