The Seething thread


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I think you can reassure them that no-one will finish it.


The Delaney book is too.

Happens all the time for books in demand.

It wonā€™t have been an issue for Tipp players.


Forward on the Delaney book?

And any other ones you have too. What other ones were widely shared?

The recent Trump book. Most ā€œbest sellersā€

I buy books. I donā€™t pirate the written word.


What other examples have you? This one was widely spread via WhatsApp, I didnā€™t get a copy of the Trump book on WhatsApp?

Lads this is no joke, Iā€™m actually about to have a fucking breakdown here. You fellas know that I act like Iā€™m close to a breakdown every single day so I wouldnā€™t be saying this unless itā€™s really fucking real. What should I do?
I was taking the piss of @mikehunt saying he had to quit because he put his foot through the computer scree, I think I might be about to snap the screen off my laptop here. If I go outside the cunts will arrest me, the gym has been locked for months. What should I do?


Join a gym thatā€™s open

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Smoke a fag

That advice could be taken two ways.
You may want to rephrase.

Suck a cock?

Iā€™m not sure kid. Iā€™ll leave it where it is and see what happens.

Try and relaunch this party on TikTok or Twitter or ā€œteh Gramā€ and leave Facebook to the Boomers.

Hit F5 every few minutes (or whatever the equivalent is on TikTok).

Try to stop twitching.


Clasp a rosary beads and ask God for his guidance.


Cop the fuck on to yourself. Wasnt that your advice to kids who had to read the n word in school

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No it wasnā€™t

Oh, ya. This is good for you. That was it.

This is good for you. Cop on to fuck

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Knock yourself out on here.