End the Lockdown - Plans for Resistance, Plans for Change

I don’t think I ever used a hand sanitizer throughout the covid pandemic. Pointless rubbish for an airborne disease.

I also genuinely never did a PCR test.

The article at the bottom of your post doesn’t say any of those things though. Unless you deliberately misread it

"Circulating S protein following vaccination, however, originates from endogenous production, and its concentration is therefore likely higher in tissues where production occurs. For example, levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine are up to 100 million times higher in brain areas where it is produced, in comparison to plasma where it occurs as a result of tissue spillover [


]. It should be investigated whether the same occurs for COVID-19 vaccine-induced S protein"

It says FOR EXAMPLE levels of dopamine are higher in brain areas where it is produced. And it should be INVESTIGATED if the same happens with the S Protein.

Is that what you are basing your diatribe above on or have you an actual source?

@anon67715551 you should know better

I couldn’t have envisaged a busy man such as yourself having time to read long boring articles.
Apparently you did, now off to the ‘fuckers who are stealing a living’ thread with you.


Come here. There’s one thing I have lots of and that’s time. Lovely nap today has me sharp for the night time exploits, while you wakers are nodding off



I could post a very long list of people who stole a very lucrative living off peddling nonsense around Covid, most of them have been quoted by @Tierneevin1979 at some stage.

Here lads. There’s nothing wrong with stealing a living. Working hard for a living. Now that is wrong


Spot on. The work/relaxation balance is crucial to a long and comfortable life.
You’re an example to other lads here, your adherence to discipline is exemplary.
Lads interested in living into old age could do worse than take a leaf out of your imaginary book.

You should start a podcast on the ideal lifestyle for the modern man - be a knockout. You could pepper the audience with a few mystery guests, the Buff would be an ideal example of the bohemian style.

I’d call it napster. Except it sounds like too much work

My chest gets pains in it since I got the jab. I never got anything like that before.

There was great craic when someone sneezed. Twas like someone let off a shot from a gun.


The benefit–risk profile remains in favor of COVID-19 vaccination

Do you even read this stuff?

Who here has claimed expertise in medical research apart from yourself?

And you are clearly not an expert in medical research, you just think you are.

The problem you have is that whatever scientific background you have, your ability to process information is close to zero, because you have hitched your worldview to that of the right-wing industrial bullshit complex in America, and when that happens, your brain may as well have turned to cheese.

You’d be a bit simple to believe that at this stage in the game

You’re going to die

The gubbermint are out to kill him

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And the Chinese

The Chinese have a special breeding programme now because of their aging population, which is also called cum milking porn retweeted by Jordan Peterson.

I wasn’t anti or pro anything tbh. People decide

We didn’t vaccinate our children.

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“Analyses of 31 countries weighted by population size show that all-cause mortality during the first nine months of 2022 increased more the higher the 2021 vaccination uptake; a one percentage point increase in 2021 vaccination uptake was associated with a monthly mortality increase in 2022 by 0.105 percent (95% CI, 0.075-0.134). When controlling for alternative explanations, the association remained robust,”