End the Lockdown - Plans for Resistance, Plans for Change

Keep reading… "the benefit-risk profile remains in favor of Covid vaccination, for the eldely and patients with age related or other underlying diseases".

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Yet the rise in youth heart attacks actually began in 2020, before vaccines were available. That’s because increased cardiac fatalities during the pandemic have mostly been due to the coronavirus itself. Heart-disease deaths in the United States have been observed to rise and fall in near lockstep with waves of COVID deaths, suggesting that most of these cases—97 percent, according to one estimate—are the result of undocumented SARS-CoV-2 infection.

DeSantis’s crusade against vaccines is backed by his surgeon general, Joseph Ladapo, who is a staunch opponent of inoculating young people against COVID. (He has encouraged the use of ineffective therapies such as hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, though.) In October, Ladapo’s department produced an anonymous, non-peer-reviewed analysis suggesting that COVID shots were causing an increase in cardiac fatalities in young men. This report was modeled on a study by the U.K. government, which came to the opposite conclusion about vaccines but did find that COVID infection was associated with a sixfold increase in youth cardiac death.

Point me to the part where it says it is bad for younger people. All you have is a conclusion that it is definitely better for older and sick people. Not the opposite. It makes no claims on that from what I can see. Maybe I missed it. Be happy to see otherwise. I am always open to new science.

@Julio_Geordio expects everything to be written in simple words that he can understand

Sure why would a protein that is toxic to humans and travelling all over the body in the blood stream and multiplying in every organ in the body be bad for you?

“Sorry Michael, I know you had a great sporting career and long healthy life after sport ahead of you, but your heart is fucked so forget about sports and you will likely die a few decades before your time. But you know Paddy Joe down the road lived to be 87 and could have died of Covid at 86 so your efforts were not in vain”.

Anyone recommending Covid vaccines for young people and in particular children at this stage should be in jail.


That’s what I thought.Quoting science that doesn’t actually back you up

How many doses are people up to now, 6? Is it still every few months?

Their balls are about to explode with all the spike proteins lodging there.

They reckon dose 7 will get it done.

How did we get back here lads? Own up whoever the cunt was who bumped this.

I’d say that happened pre covid.

You don’t have any gotcha there, pal. ‘The Science’ tm, explicitly states in that text re the benefit/risk profile ‘for the elderly and patients with underlying diseases’

Do you not think that by explicitly stating those groups, it is therefore implying it is NOT strongly in favour of groups outside of those stated?

You’re being purposely obtuse after your man clamped you.