Energy Crisis

Lads read the hedline and find fault despite having no knowledge on the subject

Our current storage capacity is 792 MW.

Thereā€™s no economically viable storage solution currently available.

Mate, dont frantically google to counter my arguments, it makes you look demented


Iā€™d have expected you to read the relevant consultation document before posting up a Twitter link.

Now. How are we going to store all that wind energy for days when it isnā€™t Goldilocks windy. Iā€™d have hoped the Minister has that figured out rather than as Burt Bacharach would say ā€œwishin and hopinā€ and looking for a headline.

Disgraceful. You were in such a rage you made a hames of the spelling

Ɖamonn is growing on me. That is a good idea to accelerate the wind. Making it happen now a different story

Can we sell it to France or the UK with the interconnecter yoke

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GW mate :ok_hand:


ā€œAll of the increase in profits have come from our generation businesses working in the wholesale markets in Britain and Ireland, and none of those profits have come from our residential customer book, in fact we made a decision to forego profits in our residential customer bookā€

me bollix

ā€œElectric Ireland did not make any profit in its residential electricity supply business in Ireland last year as we returned more than ā‚¬55m through a ā‚¬50 credit to each of our more than 1.1 million residential customers in December and increased our Hardship Fund to ā‚¬5m,ā€

So hes factoring in ā‚¬60m of having to pay back for robbing customers as being offset against their operating costs for the year.

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Itā€™s not all bad news. China has secured extremely cheap oil from Russia so the chinese are in a really good place now.

fuck yeah. Hā€™on china

What a country :smiley:

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People getting gouged but free electricity for Zuckerberg.

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Iā€™ve driven down behind this a few times - itā€™s absolutely massive and there were serious concerns from locals about the power consumption needed and they not even getting charged :joy:

Like theyā€™ve gone through at least two accounting periods. Did anyone think to ask what the story was?

Cunts have been haemorrhaging cash - prob glad of a positive

I bet its something ridiculous like, given Metaā€™s scale of consumption Esb needed to create a new billing category. And never did and it fell between the cracks.

Presumably they can take a meter reading and fire on the bill?

Previous reading: 0.0

Ireland is a great little country to do business in

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