Epsteins 'suicide'

Here’s another Vox article, exposing the lunacy of the argument “all sexual assault victims should be believed, except for Juanita Broaddrick who is a liar”. Hopefully it will help you see the error of your ways.

I hate to do this but

I know you are but what am I?

It’s literally the only response your posts deserve

I can go on in this vein if you want

In your view no sexual assault victims should be believed except those who allege sexual assault by Democrats

That’s literally your view and that has been borne out many times

I mean, where to start

Getting off Fentanyl, perhaps? :grin:

But that’s just more pure nonsense. I have repeatedly said that Trump is a sexual predator and most likely committed several instances of sexual assault. I could name dozens of Republican and Democrat sexual offenders if you wish. I see no distinction between scumbags based on their race, religion or politics.

You on the other hand have a history of refusing to accept Bill Clinton (and other Democrats) is a sexual predator, and defending scumbags like Tom Humphries and others.

Why did you say Jeffrey Epstein was innocent, so?

Oh dear

“She later clarified she didn’t mean rape in a criminal sense”

Oh dear oh dear oh dear

There is such a thing as non-criminal rape now according to labane

They should make prisoners who don’t co operate read this stuff.


Where did I state Jeffrey Epstein is innocent?

Why is your default position to lie when you are wrong? Are you 12?

That’s what she said mate, check the record.

If I said I was 12 it would probably make you want to rape me

There’s no such a thing as “non-criminal rape”, pal

That you think there is is utterly disgusting

This one will follow you around for a long time

Can ye fuck off the pair of ye? Ye are taking all the enjoyment out of this whole sordid affair.


at least he wont have to flee to oz, unlike that girl you stalked

Are you still obsessed with that rape fantasy, mate?

No surprise it always come back to rape fantasies and stalking fantasies with you

Just like it did in that courtroom when you made fun of rape victims behind their back

Just like @anon7035031, you’re another one that never considered rape a crime

deflection as usual from sid the rapist.

Not sure how you would consider somebody a rapist when you don’t consider rape a crime, mate

I suppose when you’re a slaphead who hates everybody, rape becomes your only way of getting laid

youre obsessed with rape, almost as much as you were obsessed with that poor girl who moved to ozx to try and shake you off. imagine her shock and horror when she saw you there

as always, my advice to you is to seek help. you clearly have significant difficulties. festering and stewing on the internet isnt helping you

The only person who is obsessed with her is yourself pal, you have been for years

So weird

Why, like @anon7035031, do you not consider rape a crime, as has consistently been shown on these pages over the years?

You keep avoiding that question

Do you think it’s appropriate for somebody who doesn’t consider rape a crime, like yourself, to be in courtrooms making vile jokes behind rape victims backs?

You’ve literally admitted on this forum to doing this

Like @anon7035031, you are a serious danger to women

what a crock of shit, then again youre a rapist.

Right-wing nutcases like yourself always just shout “rapist” at somebody when they have no argument against them

Yet the reality is, you don’t consider rape a crime

Rape is a very serious crime, mate - it’s a shame somebody has to tell you that - and yet we have a rape lover like yourself in our criminal justice system

That’s a matter of serious public concern