Epsteins 'suicide'

You know pis is just a twisted sid?

The Mannekin Pis is the mascot of the city of Brussels

There are some posters on this forum who would probably go up and have a drink out of it


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Smoking gun

What have they got?

Well? Anyone buy a paper?

No mate.

I guess we’ll never know so

Catch and Kill is an excellent book about the Harvey Weinstein affair and the efforts of NBC and others such as the National Enquirer to bury the story for Weinstien.

There is a chapter at the end about Epstein and one on Trump. Id say we are not a million miles away from the cover being well and truly blown off this story

Fucking Woodward and Bernstein here :rollseyes:

At the Palace Andrew, oh dear

For those of you wondering Ghislaine is pronounced (at least on the BBC) Ghill-Ann.

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Not unlike Gillane then.


Rachel Maddow had an excellent segment with Ronan Farrow a few weeks ago

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Really damaging Panorama documentary with victims of Epstein and lawyers speaking on behalf of victims for Andrew tonight. What’s quite disconcerting is how twice the Met in Scotland yard refused to investigate claims of sex abuse claimed to be perpetrated by Andrew and how of 20 photos given to FBI by Virginia Roberts 2 photos of her with Andrew went missing. They were able to ascertain that 2 photos went missing due to sequential numbering in serial numbers of photos given into evidence. Andrew has a subpoena standing over him should he ever go to United States again. I’m not sure if he’d qualify for an ESTA visa myself If truth be told.


I’d say Ferguson must have been absolutely disgusted by him. She must have demanded some pay off when they split up.

Fergie needed a loan of £15k and Andrew who is worth £57m tried to secure one for her with Epstein on a stroll through central Park. What is clear is Andrew, as well as being a deviant, is a simpleton too.


Oh yeah. He’s as thick as two planks. That’s very obvious.

Robert Maxwell’s daughter.

Well it’s not from the grass she licked it.

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He was up to his balls in gee.

Thought the very same thing as I was out and about in the car there earlier.