Epsteins 'suicide'

He’s gone mad on the Leprechauns Yellowpiss IPA.


You know what you said.

Yes, I typed a post saying the girl on Sky went through the charges and it seemed the longest sentence you could expect for any of them was 10 years and she said they could run concurrently.

I missed her mentioning the charge with a maximum of 40 years so deleted the post.

You nasty bastard.

@jellyfish named names. It was very brave. Some list it was too. Understandable he chickened out

Andrew Neil and @Thomas_Brady both in meltdown mode tonight I see


I’d be genuinely scared to see the sort of accounts that appear on your Twitter timeline.

The running dispute between Mr Simon, who vlogs under the name Lucky Lance, and Mr Yemini, who in 2018 declared at a public rally for jailed white nationalist figure Tommy Robinson that he was “the world’s proudest Jewish Nazi”, might normally be dismissed – with apologies to author Tom Wolfe – as a bonfire of the inanities.

Mr Yemini is a failed political candidate for the defunct anti-Islam party Australian Liberty Alliance who has spent the pandemic railing against face masks and provoking on-camera confrontations with Victoria Police. He has previously been sued by his own brother, anti-child sex abuse campaigner Manny Waks, and in 2019 pleaded guilty to unlawfully assaulting his now estranged wife.

Who are Andrew Neil and Jennifer Acuri? Will the chap of the Windsors be charged at all?

Andrew Neil is an oul fella who walks around with a dead squirrel on his head. Jennifer Arcuri is an attention seeking American who had a fling with Boris Johnson.

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A collection of cunts

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If Maxwell offers to name names could she get reduced sentence? Or would prosecutors not want to offer anything at all regardless

They didn’t need her cooperation to convict her so why give her a reduced sentence. Let’s hope they go after all Epsteins paedo friends but I doubt it.

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It will suit the establishment to close the case and let her be the fall girl.



That’s an all time oooft