Epsteins 'suicide'


A cacophony of cunts.

The brother on sky news there now. Saying the women were lying

Hope the cunt gets sued for defamation

What’s your brother doin on sky news?


Saying what a nosey aul cunt you aee

Interesting timing

Maxwell retrial incoming.

A juror who sat at the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell last month and has now told reporters he was sexually abused as a child has retained a lawyer, the trial judge said on Thursday.

A second juror has also said they too discussed the experience of being sexually abused as a child during deliberations, the New York Times reported.

The unidentified first juror’s public interviews led defense lawyers in the case to say they will request a new trial.

US district judge Alison Nathan asked them to formally do so by 19 January.

The fix is in.

Will she be able to claim she wouldn’t get a fair trial second time out?

Apparently the US system works. So we’re told anyway. A system where jurors are allowed blab to reporters after the event and probably cause a mistrial. Fucking hell. What a farce. The system will work for Ms. Maxwell anyway.

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That’s what you get when the jurors are allowed to go blabbing to the media after a case.

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Everybody wants to be famous/write a book.

The problem with America and it’s ultimate capitalism model, is everyone wants/needs to monetise absolutely everything

not everybody, same as here - the thrashy folk

Yeah. Verdict will be quashed.

Sure the lack of charges and I reckon amount of evidence held back for this trial was massive. Its only a show trial

What a disaster. That was surely asked of all jurors at the start, have you ever been sexually abused yourself.

They love their 15 minutes over there.