Epsteins 'suicide'

7.5 million

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I’d bet a buffalo nickel it’s the other way round. She held all the aces here. Motion to dismiss was thrown out. Maxwell found guilty and your wan ready to sing like a canary. While both the met and the FBI said they were not interested in criminal charges, it was with the caveat , "unless damning new evidence comes to light during the course of the trial "
My guess is Andy was advised to settle and probably pressurised somewhat from Buckingham palace. It was the lesser of two evils for him here


Thats a compelling argument for him being fucked alright

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The Queen probably told him he wouldn’t get any pudding after dinner for the rest of the year if he didn’t settle.


Poor old Bob the taxpayer picking up the bill.

No, the fifth applies to defendants and witnesses, it’s basically the right to remain silent. Nobody is compelled to testify if they don’t want to and in trials the jury is instructed to draw no conclusions from a refusal to testify.

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Maybe he hired Johnny Arse.

Yes it applies to defendants and witnesses but my point is that it only applies to testimony that is self-incriminating (AFAIK). For example, the racist police guy in the OJ Simpson case could plead the fifth to avoid giving incriminating evidence that he had performed his job in a racist manner.

So she wouldn’t be able to plead the fifth unless she is trying to avoid giving self-incriminating evidence. Which theoretically she might be; that is part of Edward’s bullshit defence.

It would appear that my understanding is correct.

  • Finally, the testimony must be self-incriminating , such that the information would provide a link in the chain of evidence needed to prosecute the individual for a crime. Thus, the information itself need not be incriminating; it suffices that the information would lead to the discovery of incriminating evidence.

“Pleading the Fifth” is a colloquial term often used to invoke the self-incrimination clause when witnesses decline to answer questions where the answers might incriminate them.

Sounds about right

The original point made was that she would have to testify, which is incorrect. You said the fifth only applies when you have committed a crime, which is also incorrect. In many cases innocent people or witnesses claim the fifth as they don’t want to take the risk of incriminating themselves or appearing to incriminate themselves during questioning. It’s there to protect the guilty and the innocent, the Supreme court has ruled on it several times and said one of it’s functions is to protect the innocent from overzealous accusers.

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They don’t want this unseemly distraction during the Jubilee celebrations or in the event of the coronation of King Charles III.

12m Sterling according to all today’s English papers.

Saw that yeah. A nice wedge. And he worked so hard for it.

He’ll be skiing with TUI next year the poor fucker. Going downhill fast.

Lovely use of Flatty’s taxes



All that money and the state of his teeth

Is this not a shameful and completely wrong use of the Royal Family’s (and, by extension, the UK tax-payers’) money?

It’s only gone and happened again. And, coincidentally, like Epstein, on the same day as Dublin play Mayo at Croke Park.

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