Epsteins 'suicide'

Mariah carey and shakira should definitely be on it

Epstein was certainly a kompromat gathering operative for Israel - as was Robert Maxwell - but he might well have been spying for others too.

Funnily enough some of those who are prepared to believe that Epstein was an Israeli spy on the basis that itā€™s consistent with their Jewish world conspiracy theories are those who are most resistant to the bleedinā€™ obvious truth that Trump and Trumpism are agents designed to destroy democracy in the west and the post World War II western order for the benefit of Russia, China and international kleptocracy.

Wendi Deng who was married to Rupert Murdoch was almost certainly a Chinese spy.

Most of this stuff isnā€™t particularly difficult to work out. itā€™s generally obvious enough.

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Philip Schofield strikes me as a ā€˜Plane and Islandā€™ man.

I spoke to someone over the holidays on the subject of a guy we know who went down the conspiracy theory rabbit hole during covid and I was sharing my thoughts on why I believe it happens to some and not others. His theory matched mine, but he added another bit to it. He said, ā€˜The truth is usally incredibly boring, and conspiracy theories are exciting, and sometimes people would prefer to not accept that the truth is almost always, the boring versionā€™.

Thereā€™s no doubt that Epstein was a complete deviant, and there was at least Maxwell procuring the young women for him, which were farmed out to prestigious figures, but I donā€™t believe for a second that everyone who was in his plane and on his island were riding underage women.

I would estimate that Epstein knew who he could use that as sweeteners to make business deals with, and who he couldnā€™t. He was a salesman, then a pimp. Not the other way around.

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Iā€™ve yet to see any real evidence that Philip Schofield did much if anything wrong.

Kompromat is about influencing politics and business and media and enabling corruption through fear. It works. More often than not the truth is boring, but sometimes it isnā€™t.

Anybody who believes that everybody on the Epstein plane was riding all around them is obviously a cretin.

Those most prepared to believe the most sensationalistic claims are those most prepared to reject the bleedinā€™ obvious staring them in the face.

One of Jeffrey Epsteinā€™s first big breaks was when the father of Trumpā€™s attorney general William Barr hired him to teach at one of New Yorkā€™s most elite private schools. Epstein-Barr, you couldnā€™t write it.

Thereā€™s a reason why Trump plucked Alex Acosta, who was the prosecutor who agreed an absurdly lenient plea bargain with Epstein in 2008, to be his Labour Secretary.

I was only joking re Schofield. If it was a heterosexual relationship, heā€™d be knighted.

With Trumpā€™s projective personality issue, and him being the only big public figure blasting off about it, I assume heā€™s a little worried. With a few suspicions of creeping senility with Donnie T, maybe he now thinks heā€™s facing off against Hillary, as opposed to thinking heā€™s head to head with Barack Hussein.

US right wing media is about spectacle and nothing else. Spectacle means propaganda. Any semblance of intellectualism in right wing ā€œthoughtā€ worldwide is long gone. The right wing posters we have on this forum are nothing more than a bunch of screaming conspiracy theorist imbeciles sporting crayons theyā€™ve stuck up their own noses.

US right wing media will yet again go apeshit about Bill Clinton with zero evidence of actual wrongdoing while completely whitewashing the arch sexual predator, possible paedophile and blatantly obvious operative for Russia and world fascism, Donald Trump.


The evidence lies within the outcomes. The covert collaborations of both Trump & Farage with Russia undeniably contributed to a discernible weakening of the west.

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A key part of the failure of democracy in the west is down to a deliberate misunderstanding by the powerful of what democracy actually is.

Democracy isnā€™t a mere electoral system. Democracy is a world view, itā€™s a whole societal way of doing things. Democracy can only succeed when populations are informed. When ruling classes set out to disinform populations, a key pillar of democracy is removed, and democracyā€™s collapse becomes a mere matter of time.

Modern fascismā€™s one great trick has been to convince many millions of people that mass campaigns of deliberate lies are an integral part of a healthy information eco-system, rather than the reality of them being flesh eating cancers.

They have done this through endlessly repeating the slogan ā€œfree speechā€, when in reality they themselves are the greatest enemies of free speech.

I think we need to consider anyone on the plane is evil and needs shooting.

Unless it contradicts an internet opinion we once had.

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Fantastic banter



I await with interest people howling for the executions of Beyonce and Gwen Stefani.

When you look back over their careers itā€™s now clear there were a lot of coded references to them running paedophile rings.

Destinyā€™s Child
Bills Bills Bills
Independent Woman
Naughty Girl
Donā€™t Speak
Just A Girl
What You Waiting For
Hollaback Girl


No white smoke yet on the list?

There is no list


That unfunny cunt Kimmel the latest snowflake to get rattled.

Rodgers is one of the good guys. The be kind crowd piled on him because he didnt yake the covid jab, completely ignoring he had a medical exemption for known ingredients.

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A man taking exception to it being implied that heā€™s a paedophile. Lock him up the snowflake cunt


Why is he bound to be on the list, other than he has been named elsewhere already.

Have a look into the backstory. The gimp had a dig at Rodgers before when he mentioned the Epstein list. Going full Maud Flanders when itā€™s thrown back at him.



I canā€™t understand why wanting to know who was associating with a sex-traffickers is somehow crazy or wrong?