Epsteins 'suicide'

Wouldnā€™t it be super odd (bear with me here) if Epstein committed suicide because he was looking at a long jail stretch, and perhaps more litigation down the line, as well as his reputations falling from the heights of rubbing (ahem) with Royals and Presidents, to being confined to a 6x8 cell as a result of his paedo vibes.

Tis an awful pity the cameras werenā€™t working outside his cell really

Itā€™s peculiar and concerning.

There are some posters on here with particularly broken brains

Itā€™s a pity nobody installed them on the moon either to show the landing was just a hoax.

There was cameras on the moon

The likes of himself and Djokovic happy to inject buckets of epo but an oul harmless flu jab has them shrieking like a 2 year old child.

The list likely containing every ā€˜liberalā€™ tv/hollywood creep going and there was a couple of the usual suspects ranting and raving about Trump above :joy:

The regime will try memory hole it but itā€™ll be another boost for Trump, which is great.

Iā€™m a huge Rodgers fan, always have been and continue to be so
But as a football player, the same lads whoā€™d have despised him throughout his career now hanging on his every word :grinning:

Iā€™m not up on this story but it was surely nasty enough to be aligning somebody with paedophiles etc, it happens to me often enough that I have an inkling :man_shrugging:

Two cameras werenā€™t working, his cell mate had just been temoved, another working camera provided unusable evidence, he was identified as a suicide risk and was subject to half hourly checks by two on duty prison guardsā€¦both of whom fell asleep simultaneously at the time of the 'suicide - in a prison that hadnā€™t experienced a suicide in 30 years. He was six foot tall yet managed to hang himself with such force, in his bottom bunk, that he broke four bones in his neckā€¦injuries which the coroner said were in keeping with strangulationā€¦and medicine bottles remained in place on the headboard. Iā€™ve probably left a few bits out


I never heard of him but generally the anti vaxx lads are of a low IQ who swallow the unqualified nonsense of someone with a slightly higher intelligence than themselves.

I loved Matt Le Tissier as a footballer.

Obviously wasnā€™t his first time


Me too
And Morrissey is my favourite musical artist of all time

Two little boys is one of my favourite songs as well

I could go on, but I hope you get the point

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Itā€™s hard to work out your stance hereā€¦are you saying itā€™s silly to sy he was murdered?

I donā€™t know anything about the case, I would say he was almost certainly murdered from my thoughts at the time.

Iā€™m just amused at how Aaron Rodgers has become a hero to the awkward squad and is right even when heā€™s obviously wrong *

*unless Kimmel was on the island

Do you actually like Trump?

Itā€™s concerning but not surprising to see minds made up based on preconceived far right wing / Marxist agitator leanings.

Iā€™m maintaining an open mind.

Arent you the one who cut off the kids granny during covid?

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Agreed. But for that very reason I think the list needs to come out.