Epsteins 'suicide'

She doesnā€™t drive.

Why did/do you think that? Did you guess at a motive?

Kimmel probably wasnt on the island but youre missing the point of what was said: kimmel inferred that the list was the idea of a tinfoil hatter because rodgers didnt take the vaccine.

Rodgers said ā€œa lot of people, including jimmy kimmel are hoping it doesnt come outā€.

Clearly the inference was that kimmel would be shown up as a liar if such a list came out.

Needless to say, both rodgers and kimmel are cunts but kimmel brought it on himself


Thatā€™s what I thought at the time, but I canā€™t recall why. Maybe itā€™s what I felt from reading TFK

Thatā€™s really interesting. Thanks for your contribution

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I admire the certainty of conspiracy theorists. Itā€™s like, ā€˜THATā€™S WHAT HAPPENED!ā€™. You know what? We donā€™t know. None of us were ever there.

Thatā€™s very trueā€¦if only someone had pointed this out earlier

You asked and I answered as best as I could

I was only amused at the Rodgers situation, he clearly inferred that he thought Kimmel was on the famous list, which was below the belt, TFK stuff on a gigantic scale :man_shrugging:

The very fumes TFK runs on .

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I actually thought thats what it was going to be but after watching the video I thought it was more Rodgers having a dig at Kimmel saying he was going to look a clown when it turned out there really was a list. The comeback from Kimmel was over the top if itā€™s taken in that context


Fair enough

Again, Iā€™m not up to speed on the story, I read it as Rodgers suggested Kimmel would be on the list

I almost thought you were going to risk the wrath of the beige set by having an opinion or saying something that wasnā€™t tedious

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Ill tell you one thing hopefully this will give the Pat Mcaffe show more exposure. Ive been watching it for the last 2 months. Unreal, we need one here


Have you turned your back on Joe?

Itā€™s no surprise to read the pro vaxx guys only have half the story


Not at all pal, mcaffe is purely sports and hes mad as a bag of spiders, rodgers used the opportunity perfectly

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Joe promised us a list. Where is our list?

Qanon is going to release it any day now

The lizard people are just checking it over one last time

Who are these ā€œliberal Hollywood elitesā€ quaking in their boots? Hanks, Beyonce & Jay Z, Tay Tay? Is Michelle Obama actually a man?