Epsteins 'suicide'

Branson is a new name from the initial names the other day. Are you sure about that report on Trump and the 13yr old or is that fake news as he always was not on the initial list I believe.

Branson has his own private island too

All I said is court documents exist that allege he raped a 13 year old girl with Epstein.

Branson’s in a right pickle


maybe there’s a sordid reason he names everything “virgin”


Having read the report it seems like a bit of a hot air balloon to me.

A ledge.

Doesn’t PJ have a private island?

So did Charlie Haughey

Indeed. A lot of GGA folk and small farmer types used to visit apparo

Inishfuckemall as it was known at the time.

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Branson must be on his knees on thanks for the post office fillum.

It “looks” like it’s him.Ive no doubt it is the rapey cunt but that article isn’t a slam dunk.

Bold prediction: sweet fuck all will happen to anyone who’s name appeared on that list

Well it is America, like. A country where the half the voters are so against paedophilia that they want to elect somebody who’s definitely a serial rapist and probably a paedophile. And if they can’t elect him they plan to coup him into office.

Any astute conspiracy theorist/realist knows rightly this stuff wouldn’t be released unless theres a possibility of damaging trump


That’s the only game in town for the regime

The paedo lovers are getting antsy

Trump called Epstein a ‘terrific guy’ who enjoyed ‘younger’ women before denying relationship with him


Sidney is going to single-handedly defeat Trump in the next election by spamming TFK with any shit he can find. It’s great to have time on your hands.