Epsteins 'suicide'

I was merely endorsing your bumping of my earlier endorsementā€¦for the good of the forum. I felt you deserved a lot of creditā€¦still do

Weā€™re not allowed to listen to other people now. Seems sensibleā€¦

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Allowed? of course! The choice of people the madmen on this forum listen to is head scratching. Most donā€™t ā€˜getā€™ that podcasts are almost always someoneā€™s opinions, theories, assumptions and presumptions as opposed to facts. Thereā€™s little to no consequences for the hosts for spewing inaccurate brain candy floss for the easily led. If Iā€™m in the vicinity of someone who begins a conversation with, ā€˜I was listening to the Joe Rogan podcast the other dayā€™ā€¦I will make absolutely sure that I never step within a ten meter radius of that individual if I can until the last breath leaves me.


Thanks. I had no idea- i just assumed everything on podcasts was 100% true?
Where should i look, for ā€˜the factsā€™?

he does his own research


Just want to state for the record that I am NOT on the Epstein list.


Hereā€™s probably the best place to begin a rebuild and stay off Twitter if your mind currently struggles to accurately disseminate information online.

I juat asked where you got your ā€œfactsā€ from

Thatā€™s genuinely the attitude of someone with a smooth brain.

Are you only able to process spoon fed information? Precious little in the world is black and white.


Iā€™d never heard of PasqualePaoli, except for your username, until I was reading a book last night which mentioned:

Political upheaval swept Europe in the later eighteenth century. The first of these revolutions occurred in Corsica, which had been annexed by Genoa in 1347. In 1755 Pasquale Paoli (1725ā€“1807) declared the independent Corsican Republic, and drove the Genoese off the island. The Corsican Constitution gave the vote to all men over twenty-five (some women also voted). Genoa sold its claim on Corsica to France and in 1768 the French launched an invasion, defeating Paoliā€™s republican forces.

I said to myself ā€œhe posts on TFKā€.


Best poster on the internet bar fenners and Tassotti

He was a mentor of sorts to Boneparte

There isnā€™t a media platform out there that isnā€™t biased.

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Everyone gravitates towards their own bias

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Know your enemy

Dear Lord forgive me for what have I done.

But if someone who writes for a publication at the centre of the chart starts a podcast or is on Twitter, that has to be ignored?


Court documents also allege Trump and Epstein raped a 13 year old girl.

Branson would make your skin crawl.

Allege is a great aul word, thank god for it, allegedly