
Did I touch a nerve?

Not at all, I just pity you, nobody who I pity touches a nerve

But the gay community has most definitely touched a nerve with you

Most definitely. I find their constant need for attention insufferable. Why can’t they just get on with being gay, like the rest of us get on with who we are. Real equality.

Who is they? There’s millions and millions of homosexuals but because they have a parade once a year they are attention seeking? Give over you fool.

Correct, and less of the fool, it makes you look weak.

shows you up badly.

No pretence here pal. Tis better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

It’s time for the gays to grow up and stop behaving like children.

If you’re comfortable being a homophobe and being prejudiced against a sizeable chunk of the planet just for their sexuality then good for you…

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That’s the thing. I’m not a homophobe. I think there is room for hetro’s, homo’s and others. I just don’t see why the song and dance. Just get on with it.


If you don’t get it there’s really no point explaining.
Why do you think it’s called Pride?

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Don’t explain then.

That’s a grand sweeping statement you originally made… Do you think every homosexual turns up at pride and makes a 'song and dance ’ ?

Why can’t you get on with being closeted in private and not inflict the obvious manifestations of your deep internal unease with what you are on others, bro

It doesn’t really matter what I think, yere so busy trying to look like the model citizens, yere ears and minds are closed to anything I might say. Your default position is to argue and contradict. The classic snowflake disposition.

There is no justification for closing streets in urban areas because large groups of people who are sexually attracted to something want to celebrate that they are sexually attracted to that something.

Its a totally fucking bizarre set up. It makes no sense.


Bit of mr pot going on there… And I’m not pretending anything, I live in the real world and Have very close friends that are Gay…the only snowflake here is you , getting worked up because a small section of society have a parade once a year :laughing:

The have a parade because they were marginalised, beaten, discriminated against and more for generations. Let them have an auld stroll. They’ve earned it.


You are being a bit disingenuous here. The pride movement is a little more than a parade.

How have they earned it?