
Ah now… Don’t go bringing up facts in here please.

No, that would be too much for you.

Do you know the origins of it and why they felt the need to march at all? Granted time has moved on but how bad. There’s still plenty of violence and discrimination towards Gay people.

Irish people have a St Patrick’s day parade. How have we earned it?

Gives a wonderful new meaning to the phrase “Queens’ highway”

Earned the right to walk down a closed street in leather hotpants being led with a dog lead ?

Some of this is just bizarre.

There is serious censorship going on here

What’s wrong with leather hotpants, you prude?

They have a right to association and a right to protest.

No different than marching down a closed street wearing a shamrock costume and a shepherds hook.

I would never condone violence towards any section of society. The thing is, they aren’t the only ones. If people have suffered and I acknowledge many in the gay community have, they should do what any one else would and get some help.

The gays were seriously censored for long enough

The St Patrick’s Day Parade is vile and should be stopped, it’s the dregs of society legitimising acting like obnoxious drunken louts for the day.

Now, how have the gays earned it.


Not long enough.

What are they protesting?

Got help from who??

They were marginalised for being who they are for generations. They’ve earned the right to show who they are with pride mate.

Stigmatize anything for long enough and people will gather and push back.

What difference does it make to your life?

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Two wrongs don’t make a right

The like of you

How have they earned that right?

A shrink if they feel that they have suffered unnecessarily and are suffering as a consequence.