
So being shoved into people’s faces while they read the paper or watch tv is grand. But a parade that you can choose to attend or not is beyond the pale? Grand so.

Hopefully you grow up some day.

Throw @Sidney the odd like. He didn’t ask for a parade

You’re full of big man talk but it’s easy know you’re a fat little coward.


It’s easier control the tv than prevent my children from being out on the streets. What about their rights?

What rights are infringed by seeing people walk down a street?

Love is love.

It was there on the shelf in front of me when I bought it in HMV in Grafton Street in 2003

One of Prince’s best albums

Sex isn’t love


Ask people on the Garvaghy Road

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Some amount of flagged posts here . Is it a record .

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The flaggots are out in force.

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Where are your kids going that they are seeing sex? I’d hope you’d stop them from watching hetros having sex also?

Gays in the military, your thoughts?

Name the film

It depends on whether they’re celebrating their historical supremacy over you and the diminution of your civil rights

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Embarrassing stuff here, we’ve far more than our fair share of shaved apes

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Ha ha. I’m 6ft and build like a shithouse. I’d end you fairly handy

They are really being flushed out here

If I didn’t it would be child abuse. You have a lot to learn.

where are they seeing sex?