
Tough reading this in 2019


How many asexual men have been attacked and killed?

For being asexual. That’s the kicker.

Asexual men know how to defend themselves.

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One of the convicted killers, Paddy Kavanagh, who got a suspended sentence played hurling for O’Tooles for years afterwards. He was a sour little bastard who would cut you in two for no reason. Coincidentally we also had in our ranks in later years a convicted killer who had killed a man in Fairview. Our lad had kicked a middle aged man to death after a row out side Smyth’s pub (now the Bru House). Our lad also received a suspended sentence.

Looks like it might be the golden era of equality the poor aul asexuals are still out in the cold.


Do we have a parade for middle aged men as a result?


Makes Pride all the more understandable, homophobia is still very much alive and well.

I wonder how these lads would react if a brother or sister or close friend of theirs announced they weren’t heterosexual

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Why would they announce that?

Do you feel like a hard man using language like that??

Sorry, meant heterosexual. I’ve gone bi-lingual with all this talk of queers. It must be catching

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Live & let live is something I strongly adhere to and I total reject being classed as a homophobe. What I don’t like is the over sexualisation of society.


A gay student and his buddy were in the same pub as me before one of them came up behind me and started to dry hump me. Only for the pleas of my mate I would have shoved a glass bottle in his neck. The barman who was also a gay man threw out the little shit pusher. My only regret of that night was not breaking my hand off his face

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Do you object to boobies on tv and short skirts?

What about the poor gingers and lads with big noses, the albinos and chaps who have to wear glasses, the giraffes and midgets, folks with speech impediments and buck teeth?

Should we have parades for them?

There’s was one on the 12th.


I wouldn’t be in favour of them getting the pride treatment.

You went and labelled all gays…