
Has anyone ever came out on TFK?

Thou protest too much

Epstein is obviously “where it all ends” when heterosexuality is encouraged as a valid life choice

Wouldn’t you think?

Or something something

@All_Change_Please was openly gay


Take it to the US politics thread then.

The Epstein case is an anomaly. Pedophiles are treated very harshly in the US, anyone caught for what was done by Humphries would receive a lengthy sentence. A woman who was convicted of grooming and raping a child was sentenced to 20 years in AZ last week, in my opinion an appropriate sentence.

We need more brave people like him

I think I’m Bi.

@Tassotti is a man who has built his life around embracing change and being open minded to new ideas. A leader of men and a poster of substance.
@anon61878697 or whatever he calls himself now is just a wum. He must be due a rebrand soon as the trail of horseshit he leaves behind becomes too much for him to stand over.


@Cicero_Dandi came out as an asexual.

His experience at the hands of the bullboys suggests it will be a long time before another lgbtfg ever comes out again


The country is fucked.
#oki doki. We’ll leave it there now lads

Why did you bring paedophilia into a thread about homosexuality?

The deliberate association is grotesque

The US is soft on paedophilia - it has a regime of gay bashers led by a man who was friends with a paedophile, who appointed a man who is criminally soft on paedophilia

Trump, who is referenced in this thread title (so on topic) supported a paedophile, who is anti-gay, to run for national office

I’d have thought that establishes a clear link between those who whip up hatred against gay people and paedophilia

He didn’t. It was the other Galway creep.

Both of them are at it

I’d say they’re right about you though.

Flesh that out bud

We must embrace change, we need to. Its how the world works and how we evolve

I wonder did the first two lads ever to have a go at one another congratulate themselves on being so much more progressive than all the other lads, and if so did it lead to improved wooly mammoth hunting/fire lighting techniques


I didn’t, but you seem preoccupied with it.

You are the only poster on here who defended Humphries, defended the light sentence given to him, and defended those who campaigned on his behalf to get an even lighter sentence.

Deflection on to Trump which is your default for every argument doesn’t change the fact you are a pedophile enabler.

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Again, you run with the deliberate lie that I supported Humphries - that’s a transparent and malicious lie

I certainly supported his right to a fair trial as I do with any defendant in any case

But apparently suppporting somebody’s right to a fair trial now amounts to supporting paedophilia

Do you ever read your posts back and think how stupid they are?

Also, by extension you’ve called Joe Brolly a supporter of a paedophile because Brolly went on national radio and insulted anybody who thought there should have been a harsher sentence

It’s telling you have to resort to completely making stuff up

But sure why would anybody be surprised at you peddling a lie here

It’s been your primary modus operandi since you joined this forum

What’s interesting is that your definition of paedophilia specifcally denies that Humphries is a paedophile

So if anybody has defended him here, it’s you

And you also defended paedophile apologist Milo Yiannopoulos


If not wanting your children exposed to this is being a caveman, guilty as charged. This is fine for adults to enjoy but the innocence of our children needs to be protected. As for you @backinatracksuit, you are the lowest of the low on here. You haven’t the backbone to come in and construct your own view, just backslapping and sniping from the sidelines, a coward.