Essay writing competition thread



Double-tap headshot.

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Media in the US does not lean left. It does anything but. You’ve been listening to far too much of what Lord Haw Haw says.

None of the major newspapers or the major broadcast networks lean left.

You make the most basic mistake that conservatives make. Media may lean liberal. “Liberal” is a completely different thing to “left”.

Learn the difference.

How? The evidence has mounted day by day since June 2015 that Trump is not a fit person to be president. If you choose to ignore that evidence, one can only presume that it’s because you’ve chosen to.

Much of the US electorate is by common consent, extremely “low information”. That’s a nice way of saying they’re thick.

Much of the Irish electorate is thick as regards Irish politics, one suspects you may well be among that category. I don’t need to be Irish to know that.

Go back to the evidence since June 2015 about what Trump is, what his policies are, his temperament, his cravenness to big business, his rhetoric, his bigotry. That’s how one thinks critically and objectively. One forms a critical and objective opinion based on facts. Clearly the people who oppose me here as regards Trump don’t do that.

That’s why they’ve no interest in debating, because facts destroy any of their arguments. And they have absolutely destroyed them.

And you haven’t given any facts here, you’ve merely resorted to the exact same turgid bluster that characterises all of the pro-Trump posters here.

This is fucking nuts, does anybody read this shit?

It’s an awful lot of effort for fuck all, you lads must have a hell of a lot of time on your hands, there’s lads here spend less time working I’d say.

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Except I’m not doing it from my armchair. I’ve lived in and worked in the US for decades, and have spent significant time in several states and major cities. I’m an independent voter who has voted Democrat much more frequently than Republican. In fact, I am probably very like your in-laws. While I may be boring the forum, it’s important that drivel regarding US politics be refuted.

Anyone viewing the Trump phenomena from the lens of traditional Democratic versus Republican debate simply doesn’t get it. As I have been saying since the start of the 2016 campaign, Trump is a New York liberal who supported Democratic politicians (including the Clintons) most of his adult life. As a narcissistic egomaniac, he saw an opportunity to run for president and went for it, at a time that presented the perfect opportunity. Outside of the affluent east and west coasts, the country has been on a slide economically for now almost two decades. This is driven by mega corporations (outsourcing, tax evasion, price gouging), who own Washington politicians of both parties through lobbying. The phenomena of Trump is a working class/middle class electorate waking up to the fact that neither party give a shit, as long as their personal gravy train continues.

The only relevant question is whether the Trump administration can do anything about the economic slide. This week will be pivotal when Trump unveils his tax plan and infrastructure plan. If the outcome is back to politics as usual and gridlock in Washington, then the corporations will have won (again). While they are playing along and saying the right things for now, what the great majority of large corporations want is maintenance of the status quo, where they call the shots. A key part of achieving that is keeping Democrats and Republicans at each others throats in the public eye.

Someone who doesn’t work for a living will never understand the above.


Still pushing the Trump being a “liberal” narrative, I see. :smile:

That train left the station long ago, mate.

I see you were on about Republicans abolishing slavery the other day.

You need to live in the now, not in the distant past as you do.

Every time you post, you just keep digging that hole deeper for yourself and keep demonstrating your laughable lack of knowledge and total delusion.

And it really, really annoys you that it’s been called out.

Eh I provided you with a handy link to an article which includes links to studies that back up my assertion. Feel free to provide some facts to counter it. I’d rather not take your word for it.

Where did i ever say he was fit to be president. He’s not. But you believe hes president because he is a bigot and a racist and therefore all the people who voted for him are as well. They are not. [quote=“Sidney, post:365, topic:23862”]
Much of the US electorate is by common consent, extremely “low information”. That’s a nice way of saying they’re thick.

Much of the Irish electorate is thick as regards Irish[quote=“Sidney, post:365, topic:23862”]

politics, one suspects you may well be among that category. I don’t need to be Irish to know that.

Typical you couldn’t write a post without throwing insults. Anyway theres a difference between being thick and uninformed or not interested in politics. Nice of you to label millions of people thick. Some people live lives off the internet and hey after the disappointment of the Obama years maybe people were pissed off and wanted change.

This is comedic gold. Why the fuck do you think people would oppose you on Trump. Your some lad in Ireland on a sports forum!! Do you think your Batman!! There an interesting debate to be had about Trump, the conditions that led to him being elected, the farce that has been his presidency so far, emigration, globalism and so on. but everything with you boils down to basically he is Hitler and you claiming some bullshit victory in every second deranged post while lashing out at other poster.

Anyway i will not being going down the Sidney rabbit hole. Enjoy feeling outraged 24/7 and keep fighting the good fight batman.


Is the “justice democrats” movement gaining any traction?

Not yet, but the appointment of Thomas Perez should give them a major boost, as it’s evidence the DNC want to maintain the status quo. The Democratic party needs to be rebuilt from the ground up, it will take time and enormous effort, but unless it’s done they could be in the wilderness for many years. When you look at the political landscape from president on down to the local level, the scale of the losses by Democrats is shocking, they are effectively a shambles.

And still you don’t get the difference between left-wing and liberal.

Look it up.

So you agree with me on the main point.

But then you ascribe something to me that I never said.

I never said all Trump supporters were racist.

I said that Trump’s message was at its heart based on an appeal to race and an appeal to vilifying the “other”. Which it plainly is.

Studies have consistently shown that race matters to Trump supporters more than it does it to other candidates, which is perfectly logical given his message.

The first part of that is gibberish.

This is a discussion forum. If you see such little point in discussing anything here, you might be better off not posting.

The Trump camp are only too happy to tar others as Nazis. He did it himself about his intelligence services and John McCain. Lord Haw Haw here and other nuts are obsessed with the notion of feminists as “feminazis”. “Liberal fascists” is another beauty he regularly comes out with.

Louis CK is the only person I’ve heard say “Trump is Hitler”. He’s a comedian.

What people have done is to point out the undoubted similarities between the way Trump campaigns and uses propaganda and rhetoric to vilify others and the way Hitler whipped up support for himself and used propaganda and rhetoric to vilify others.

Those comparisons are obvious to anybody with a basic knowledge of history.
Trump’s modus operandi is distinctly fascist, and when somebody campaigns in a distinctly fascist manner, Godwin’s Law goes out the window. The comparison of methods, propaganda and rhetoric is an entirely legitimate one.

Instead yourself and hysterical nuts like @anon7035031 go for the extremely lazy “they’re saying Trump is Hitler!” line. I would have hoped for a bit more insight and less hysterics on that score.

The figures blow your narrative out of the water. But it’s great that Republicans are so complacent about their supposed “greater popularity”, all the same. Keep it up.

2016 elections:

Rep: 62,985,105
Dem: 65,853,625
Rep: 40,402,790
Dem: 51,496,682
Rep: 63,153,387
Dem: 61,776,218

Rep: 166,541,282
Dem: 179,126,515

I’m sure what you just said there was super interesting but I told you I’m out. Have fun talking to yourself :smile:

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[quote=“alf_stewart, post:369, topic:23862, full:true”]
Anyway i will not being going down the Sidney rabbit hole. Enjoy feeling outraged 24/7 and keep fighting the good fight batman.[/quote]

If you need any further evidence of following your own advise, just keep looking at his latest post. The results of the November election across the country, relative to Democratic expectations going in, can only be described by a rational person as a bloodbath. The irrational point to the popular vote, as if that amounted to anything.

The population of California is over 37million, 12% of the US population. If all of them could vote, and all voted Democrat, it would make no difference to the presidential election, or the key senate and house elections across the country. As long as Democrats cling to popular vote victories, as many here are, they will continue to drift into irrelevance.

It’s a simple enough issue, but an indication of the deeper problem of not having any understanding of the US political system.

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And there you go.

Facts are irrelevant to this cretin.

If getting nearly 13 million more votes across the three elections is a “bloodbath” for the Democrats, I bet you’d hate to see what happens on a good day for them.

Just to come back to this, I’ve no wish to “educate” anybody else. I discuss what’s happening and give my views.

But there is at least one person, actually at least five, on a demented crusade to “educate” others - by their own admission.

What a photo

Fantastic, Sidney quotes a study when it suits him.

When it’s antisemitism though he doesn’t need studies. It’s absolutely hilarious how you carry on. :joy:


Sidney’s basic error is in confusing data and facts with knowledge. He places a lot of importance on facts, when facts are merely someone’s interpretation of data, which may be completely wrong if based on a false premise. His preoccupation with the popular vote and that Democrats secured more votes than Republicans in the 2016 elections is a classic example.

His fact claim is that Democrats secured 13 million more votes across three elections and this is somehow important in the context of the results of said elections. He posts up the data completely oblivious as to why his conclusion is a gross error. First of all, what the data shows is that roughly half the population vote Republican and half Democrat, if you are average out the Presidential and House elections. It’s been this way since 1828, when presidential campaigns began to resemble those of today. The difference amounts to a hill of beans of course, as the only fact that matters is who won more electoral votes and house seats.

The significant difference in the vote count is in Senate races, with Democrats securing 11 million more votes than Republicans. Rather than interpreting this for Sidney, it would probably be best if he tried to interpret it for himself to gain knowledge of US politics. A few clues to help him on his way:

  1. Each state has 2 senators, so California (a heavily Democratic leaning state with 2 Democratic senators) with a population of 37 million has the same number (2) as Wyoming (a heavily Republican leaning state with 2 Republican senators) with a population of less than a million.

  2. Only 34 of 100 Senate seats were up for election in 2016. Most of the states that did not have a senate race are red states.

Let’s see if he can figure it out.


He’s not a details kind of guy, and there’s nothing wrong with that. His skills seem to lie in dumping vasts amounts of links onto threads to push his agenda (and he has the audacity to call @ProjectX “spambot”) and ranting about “data”, when in fact he struggles to understand even simple hypotheses that explain the data. It’s a classic case of force fitting to suit what he’s trying to prove.

It’s probably a good thing that he’s unemployed and spends his days spamming online forums. He’s a dangerous idiot.


Trump wins big league
Democrats reduced to blubbering