Essay writing competition thread

Lapdog Labane’s version of facts is the same one as Kellyanne Conway’s. :smile:

This just keeps getting better.

A descent into madness on his part, you could say.

Sidney reduced to random selection of prior posts to support not even a semblance of an argument. I’m not even sure an upgrade of meds would solve this one.

Why did Democrats get 11 million more votes than Republicans in the recent Senate elections you absolute moron?

Not content with cogging my posts once, Lapdog goes and does it again. :grin:

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Trump is no Reagan though, not a great orator. Did well tonight though, a smart guy who, as an entrepreneur, knows what’s involved in solving problems.

I can officially say now that I am embracing him as my president. Fuck you Sidney and fuck all other begrudgers.

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Has your boy got any “data” for this, mate?

Looks like he’s now suggesting Jews were responsible for these anti-semitic attacks.

‘Sometimes it’s the reverse, to make people, or to make others, look bad,’


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What kind of imbecilic simpleton comes into a thread he finds boring repeatedly to express his outrage?

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Evidence would show things don’t sink in easily for either of you.


Trump gave a fantastic speech last night.


I’m lead to believe it was ‘unreal’

No, only Irish roasters give unreal speeches … This was a great speech.

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He was outstanding. The extended applause for the grieving widow of the fallen hero in Yemen was pure theater, not a dry eye in the country. Have to admit I shed a few tears for her.


I’m still listening here… we are just getting to this part… What a man.

@sidney stayed up all night arguing :grin:

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Fucking insanity

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Ivanka by her side.

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Unreal crowd management from Trump

Syd Fiddler is absolutely seething in the attic this morning :joy:

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