Essay writing competition thread

The left are on the run like the time Reagan chased the cunts out of Berlin.

Did Trump melt this woman’s face with his words.

No, the eulogy paid to her late husband did.

He’s a wonderful eugoogoolizer I’d say.

Being chased out of Berlin must bring back a lot of memories for you. I knew you were old but you must be older than anybody realised. The bunker mentality remains however.

If you’re going to make a quip, make sure it’s at least in some way historically accurate, by the way. Basic lack of knowledge again there.

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Sid’s up and about on this fine Spring morn…:clap::clap::clap:

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I see you fail to mention the most basic thing of all as regards the senate, mate, which is that the senate is inherently biased towards a Republican majority because the Democratic vote is more heavily concentrated in certain populous states, whereas the Republicans win all the sparsely populated hick states, which are more numerous.

Given that each state gets two senators, that’s a recipe for a near-permanent Republican majority.

Democrats have got 18 million more votes nationwide over the last three senate elections, which cover every seat. Yet the Republicans have six more seats. Go figure.

Given that you proclaim yourself as such an “expert”, I would have thought this would be basic stuff for you.

But clearly not.

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signing on day :joy:

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Stop changing the thread title, you gimps.

Ah FFS every post I get tricked into reading on this thread is shortening my life

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Again, please provide data for the 60 odd million voters of Trump from November.

We can all give examples either way on Trump and his attitude to Jews. You throw away what you don’t like and take what you want. Yet you have still failed to demonstrate anything for “many” of Trump’s 63 million voters.

You can keep reposting your Twitter timeline in the mean time you loon.

Jesus Christ, it’s the United States of America.

The Consititution is two and a half centuries old. The system of Government the same. There are two centuries of constitutional law decisions by the higher courts on state’s rights and government there for you to read.

The very basis of the US is the above.

You can criticise the electoral college but the system generally? Everybody knows the system. Labane is absolutely correct, the Democrats are in a horrid state nationally. That is their fault. The GOP have fallen into many of their successs by accident, but at the same time they have had to run campaigns in these places and win.

You totting votes is fucking gas. Unless you are calling for a total overhaul of the US system of government.

What I find so bizarre is that a guy who lives so far away, has never been to the US and seemingly has little affinity for the US (going by the labels you constantly throw at millions of voters) is so concerned about the arguing points with someone who lives there. It wasn’t 10 years ago that they controlled the House and Senate, they did this by appealing to the District and State voters on national and state issues. You are just so ignorant of US politics and American people generally it is amazing.


Its surely a ploy to avoid detection by the CIA and FBI internet bots.

But I already have. You just keep choosing to ignore it because you picked a side and feel you have to defend that side at all costs.

And now your’re resorting to calling me a “loon”. :grin:

You’re the chap that laughed at the swastika, remember.

Mr. Kettle, I’d like to introduce you to Mr. Pot. I have a feeling you two lunatics are going to get on famously.


I didn’t ask to read yet another tiresome and irrelevant rant about the constitution.

Address the point.

That the system the senate is elected by is inherently biased towards a Republican majority. What’s your view on this?

Votes are generally totted up in elections. Otherwise you wouldn’t get any results.

Was there vote totting in November? Yes or no?[quote=“Tim_Riggins, post:414, topic:23862”]
What I find so bizarre is that a guy who lives so far away, has never been to the US and seemingly has little affinity for the US (going by the labels you constantly throw at millions of voters) is so concerned about the arguing points with someone who lives there. It wasn’t 10 years ago that they controlled the House and Senate, they did this by appealing to the District and State voters on national and state issues. You are just so ignorant of US politics and American people generally it is amazing.

You think I’m ignorant because my views don’t tally with your views.

I think you’re ignorant because you perform ever-more acrobatic feats of mental gymnastics to defend your boy Trump in the face of blinding reality.

My views are based on facts.

Your views are clearly based on some sort of quasi-religious faith.

What did you think of Trump suggesting the anti-semitic attacks on the Jewish cemeteries were false flags? It’s a simple question. Can you answer it? Bet you can’t.

@Bandage - restore my thread title editing privileges right now, you rat bastard.


I’m happy with the current neutral thread title. Can’t say fairer than that.


Again, Jesus fucking Christ.

It is is the United States of America, not some non federated country.

Everyone plays by the system. A system which has made the US a pretty decent place all in all (and yes I know you’re going to come back here now with some video like the Newsroom or mention racism).

If the Democrats want to win these places, they can, and have done in the recent past. They are currently floundering.

You have NFI about the country at large.