Euro 2012 - Match discussion thread

it is possible, playing great at the moment. Good enough to beat Czechs as well.

Polska do Boju!

Yeah I was thinking that. If they bring this for the rest of the tournament they will give most teams a game. They need a bit more composure in the final third tho.

What a great game. Proud to be Polish (via Limerick, Dublin & Wexford) tonight :clap: :pint:

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Must say I am enjoying this tournament, some right good games.

That was a corker alright. Christ most of the Polish lads play for teams like Mainz 05…why the fuck can’t we play like them?

Dont 3 of them play for the Bundesliga Champions?

It has been a super tournament so far. Credit for a lot of that must go to the refs who are letting plenty of the physical stuff go.

Apparently we have a pair of faggots in the squad. :o

[font=verdana][size=3]As expected, Antonio [/size][/font][font=verdana][size=3]Cassano’s[/size][/font][font=verdana][size=3] homophobic statements in a Press conference today brought a wave of condemnation from the Italian media.[/size][/font][font=verdana][size=3]
The Italy and Milan star was asked whether there were any gay players in the squad and his answer raised many eyebrows.[/size][/font]
“It’s their problem. If they are gay (though he used a far more offensive Italian term, ndr), then that’s their problem.[/size][/font]
“If I say what I really think, then there’s going to be chaos. Are there any gays in the locker room? I hope not. In any case, it’s their problem and nothing to do with me.”[/size][/font]
The man who had to translate the interview for UEFA admitted to Sky Sport Italia it was “the toughest job of my life. I tried to smooth over some of it and use less vulgar terms.”[/size][/font]
Even the journalist who helped write Cassano’s autobiography was shocked.[/size][/font]
“I know Cassano is not homophobic,” wrote Pierluigi Pardo on Twitter.[/size][/font]
“However, that doesn’t take away from the fact he made a huge mistake in saying those things and above all using that word.”[/size][/font]
When video of the Press conference is played on Italian television, they tend to bleep out the offensive phrase.[/size][/font]
The question was asked because journalist Alessandro Cecchi Paone – who wrote a book on gay figures in sport with a foreword by Italy Coach CesarePrandelli – said this week there were two gay players in the current Azzurriside and one bisexual.[/size][/font]
“Once the Euros are over, I invite Cassano to dinner so I can explain to him how wrong he is on this, because I think his ideas are a little confused,” saidCecchi Paone.[/size][/font]
“I want to help him understand that he was very rude to his teammates who are forced to hide themselves. By being forced to hide, they cannot play their best football.”[/size][/font]
Cecchi Paone then dropped another bombshell on with regards to his statement.[/size][/font]
“I had a relationship with one of the players in this team and he told me who the other gay player was, which is why I know there are two,” he told Radio 24.[/size][/font]
“Prandelli knows who the homosexuals are. As for when I said there are three metrosexuals, it was a compliment aimed at Sebastian Giovinco,Riccardo Montolivo and Ignazio Abate.”
[font=verdana][size=3]Metrosexual[/size][/font][font=verdana][size=3] is a phrase used to describe a modern man in an urban setting who spends a great deal of time and money on his appearance.[/size][/font]

Antonio as succinct as ever. :lol:[/size][/font]

Despite Rocko’s fanboy efforts to make us think otherwise, I believe the Bundesliga champions would equate to about mid-table EPL.

Bayern must be total shite so.

Because they and their diaspora players come from technical footballing backgrounds, the Irish players predominantly play in British leagues where caveman football is the preferred style. Out of the options in the squad - only Keane, Duff and McGeady have a semblance of finesse about them. The Poles seems to have much more technical players.

Yea, I dont think thats the case, take a look at how the superb EPL champions fared against Munchen this season. You made a stupid statement, were pulled up on it, we can all move on now.

Ah I couldn’t give a fuck about any of that now, I’m on the whiskey and I’m having a great time. Up Poland. Go on balbec, ya boyo! :clap: :clap: :pint: :pint:


I have to say I’m thoroughly enjoying it as well. Fantastic fare :clap:

It really is a great tournament. I hope its expansion to 24 teams in 2016 doesn’t take from it too much.

To the tune of “Go West”. “Polska, bialo czerwony, Polska bialo czerwony” * 100 times.

I might end up going into town yet tonight.

One of my lads are playing in an under 10 football tournament at the moment. About 70 teams in it from the football clubs and academies around Krakow. I have seen about 18 games in the last few weeks and haven’t seen a kid head the ball yet. It is all to feet. The goalies are all coached to play the ball out to feet, you never see them kicking it out of the hand. It can lead to some keystone cops passing around the back four but that is how they learn.

[quote=“balbec, post: 689138”]
To the tune of “Go West”. “Polska, bialo czerwony, Polska bialo czerwony” * 100 times.

I might end up going into town yet tonight.[/quote]

Does that chant translate as “Poland Red & White”?

Poland were excellent tonight.