Eurovision 2010

The tele vote has ruin eurovision forever!

I have serious suspicions as to the integrity of this competition. We were trading at between 20 and 30 on Betfair all during the evening. Then a few minutes before the results began to be announced we drifted like a barge to 58. Somebody somewhere knew something.

Thank you Niamh for restoring pride. A magnificent performance and song which won’t be forgotten. We know great music. The people of Europe obviously don’t.

Our only hope is to go invade a few countries. Then have an uneasy peace with them, and they will shower us with votes come eurovision time to keep us sweet.

Israeli contestants looking understandably nervous considering what happened the last time Germany swept all before them in Europe.

The German lassie can’t even sing.

You know that theory where women have more respect for a fella who treats them like shit? Well it clearly applies to countries too. You really do get more respect if you treat people like shit. German scum. Eastern European scum. I’m starting an anti-immigrant party after this.

We now have two options as I see it after this disgrace.

i) pull out of the Eurovision Song Contest like Italy
ii) pull out of the EU and elect an anti-immigrant party to punish the backward voting practices of these backward countries

I favour option ii) myself.

I’d be interested to hear NCC’s views on this, and weigh up the Italian experience and the cost/benefit analysis of pulling out.

How about next year we stage a protest.
We send through some generic europop song, go through the prelims etc, but then we get on stage, our singer just starts chanting “Fuck The Eurovision, Fuck Germany, Fuck Norway, Fuck Croatia, etc etc”

Did we not do that last year?

At the moment I’m inclined to agree. It’s a real dilemma. I don’t want to stifle the huge musical talent we have in this country and deny them the chance to represent their country, but we now know that the Euro scum will simply chew them up and spit them out. I don’t want any of that talent to have to suffer the humiliation and injustice that Niamh suffered tonight. The whole episode has been a real sickener. Unfortunately there isn’t any easy solution. There will be pain either way.

Please don’t insult Sinead Mulvey and Black Daisy and their fine effort last year, another victim of the farcical voting system favoured by the Euro-weenies.

Things Germany have given Europe:

  • WW1
  • WW2
  • Eurovision winners 2010

It just doesn’t make sense.

Sorry ment Dustin Ill post a pic of Sinead to say sorry.

What a babe.

You are correct, Sir.

What about Armenia ?? A Fucking lasher and a half !!

However, The whole of Europe cant be wrong lads… Its time we took a good long at ourselves here…

Things have to change. If Niamh had been twenty years younger and anyway decent looking she would have done a lot better.
People dont want to see or hear ugly, its as simple as that. I know we are not blessed with good looking women in this country, but with a diaspora of what ever many millions it is we can surely go down the FAI route of qualifying under grandparents etc that will still apease the Irish public.

Moral of story… No more munters !

Bit of perspective here lads. The Germans haven’t been recipients of neighbourly voting in recent years, it is usually the Nordics and Slavs into that crack. The song was reasonably catchy, the young wan was quirky in a studentish way and she was wearing a greyhound, end of.

Encouraging however to see our Israeli brothers giving the dreaded nul points to the Germans. Some people just can’t let anything go.