Eurovision 2014 Official thread - the road to Copenhagen

We did enter a bird who sounded like he was geared (which rhymes with beard) some years back and that didn’t work.

Signing out.

Complete farce

The inevitable clamour for a Johnny Logan return is building already.

Kasey joins the Chris Dorans and Donna and Joes of this world in not reaching the final.

Betfairs own book still have Austria @ 8’s I have had a nibble

A far cry from the halcyon days of Niamh Kavanagh etc.

That’s what you get for sending a bird with no beard

Might have been a chance for Tipperary to have a first Eurovision winner

Billy from Aslan vindicated.

It was to be expected with no…hairy bird.

Into 4’s now hope ye moved quick

It’s quite simple what has to be done. Thrawneen must go for Eurovision next year.

Austria won’t win. None of the slavs will vote for a pillow biter. Only the decadent Western nations.

Did we win?

Cyril, we lost.

Grand. My parents are going out tomorrow morning, so I’ll get the guitar out then. They’ll be pleased when they come back and I can show them I now have a goal to my life and realistic aims and ambitions. We’ll see who’s getting called “a waster” tomorrow afternoon. :slight_smile:

You have the beard. You have the guitar. All you need is a dress.

Not sure what it pays thraw but Omar Shariff is looking for a friend and it sounds like ye’ve a lot of the same interests.

where are you shacked up now Thraw?

(btw which country did your uncle bet on?)

Since female singers with facial hair are popular, could we not just send Linda Martin again?

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