Eurovision 2022 - Torino - Quattordici Maggio

Aussies surprising everybody there. 12 to Spain and nothing for the Brits.

Aussies give the Poms nul points

The Ukraine still need to go to the jury vote and get something

The chaff is rising to the wheat


2320 points at play in the public vote.

468 is the maximum a country can get.

530 is the usual ballpark total points for the winner.

Ukraine have got way more jury points than I hope and that was merited. A lot of juries have done a joke job here. I didn’t want Ukraine getting 150 but they’ve come out of it with 190. We’ve got a punchers chance though, UK are 90pts up at the half way stage while Spain should be a public vote magnet yet they are third after the jury vote.

This German debacle wouldn’t have happened under Chancellors Köhl or Merkle.
We’ll pay for this yet……

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Hon Moldova

Hon Moldova

239 public points for Moldova v 14 from the jury. Wild swings about to happen.

The numbers game

I think the UK will bomb with the public. Big points totals being racked up by the low ranked countries here.

This is almost as bent as horse racing

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We did it guys

The Swiss :smiley:

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1280 points of the 2320 total available points left in play.

Ukraine could pull close to 1k points here.

Does that not cool Ukraine’s chances?