Eurovision 2022 - Torino - Quattordici Maggio

Top ten

This is appalling

Fuck Serbia. Cunts.

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She should have had that growth removed from her face when she was young.

The Russians are seething to be missing this

Here’s what you could have entered, Serbia.

Second in the Serbian song contest.

Instead they opted to wash their hands of it.

This one clapping away like a roaster at a wedding

Ye need to get Akcent on the ticket

Or Dawid Podsiadlo

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The UK are second favs but they were utterly forgettable IMO in that line up despite having a late running order draw. I think they’ll finish outside the top 5.

I have Italy to beat them SU at odds against, free money

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What a show that was, magic.

The UK haven’t done anything in years have they? Usually in the bottom half of the table.

They’re being being written up on the back of an OK-ish but far from great song because they’ve been down for so long.

A bit like Dublin in the chaos years.

There hasn’t been telly like this since Dennis Taylor won the snooker that time

That Spanish performance was absolute dynamite.

Could imagine that booming out in a sweatbox nightclub in the Canaries in high summer, not that I’ll ever be in one ever again.

Sweden have it.

Also, the simple fact they are the UK will surely work against them.

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I hope you don’t lose the house my E friend

What’s one of them?

How’s the body?