Eurovision 2022 - Torino - Quattordici Maggio

Will Ferrell?

Oh that was a great movie. Herself is a fair ride.

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I’m not your friend

An American Red Hot Chili Peppers is not great.

An Italian Red Hot Chili Peppers is worse.

You’re not?

Isn’t yer man a nonce?

Red Hot Children Peppers?

Eh yeah, him.

“Two bits of advice, be yourself and keep you head away from the table”

Where’s the big money tonight?

Sweden or Spain deserve to win this. It’ll be a travesty if Ukraine win, I’m sorry about their war and all but this isn’t about that.


Ukraine v Spain.

Moral outrage at Nazism versus sexual titillation.

A classic battle.

Tittle me Espana

If Spain doesn’t win this questions will be asked

Hale and Pace’s Eurovision effort back in the day was better than Sweden’s entry this year.

I don’t think Spain will do particularly well unfortunately

Im rolling with Moldovia now

The straight men will want to fuck her.

The gay men and the straight women will want to be her.

The lesbians and the old people will probably hate her guts.

Spain have this. She’s a superstar

This a Tour de France of a half time show

Dunno mate. Haven’t placed a bet in over two years.