Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

Big protests in Malmo.

Greta is there.

We just marked Greece down for a 10. Excellent

A bit of family fun??
The misery gutses won’t like that, tut tut

Yep, family tradition.

Switzerland, v good, 8 points. One point deducted if not sung in one of the countries official languages.

Obviously the organisers will filter out any booing from the crowd on the television coverage and heavy handed security will no doubt be on the scene too.

There’s a major Israeli propaganda operation flooding Twitter this evening with the help of Mr. Musk. Pro-Israel Twitter accounts putting up videos of football hooliganism from 15 years ago and claiming they’re the anti-genocide protests today.

Here’s the Israeli entrant being booed last night. You’d hope she’ll be booed to kingdom come but I don’t have much faith in the sort of people who attend the Eurovision Song Contest.

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Princess gone to bed, this is the state of play as of now.

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Moroccan Oil is neither Moroccan or an oil company. It’s an Israeli hair products company.

It’s a fucking insult that they’re sponsoring this contest, shure why not go the whole hog and get Gazprom in too.

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What time is Israel on?

Near the end. Around an hour at a guess.

No boos from the crowd that I could hear for Israel.

Dutch entry was class. Like a mix of Scooter, Maniac 2000 and Jedward.

Israel through. Greece too

So fucking obvious there was canned Covid style crowd noise to drown out the boos for Israel.

The video tweets from the arena have them basically being booed off stage but the EBU played fake crowd cheering noise on the TV feed.

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Big televote for Israel - 40% in Italy.

Israel in to 2nd favourites now (from 50/1 yesterday).

The fix is in.

First America and now the Eurovision stealing elections

I called this weeks ago.

Every pro-Israel Jew and far right nutcase in Europe will be voting. Early. Often.

More soft anti semitism

We need to postion the Irish entry as the pro palestinian vote.

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