Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

Israel with one of the most advanced tech industries in the world, surely know how to rig an televote

Tactical voting in the Eurovision. Who would have thought that would ever happen?


Another Jewish conspiracy apparently

Your words. Quite disgusting.

The Eurovision being hijacked by far right nut jobs is some pivot.

Going to get serious ratings now

He’s the same fella whose only reaction to swastikas being daubed on walls in 2016 was a load of laughing emojis.

Somehow you feel whatever happens the usual suspects will feel vindicated.

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I think a couple of them from here will hold back as I’ve called out the blatant anti semitism of some of the narratives.

It’ll drive them demented though.

Perhaps a lesson on the bullying that has gone on against young Eden Golan.

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#bootheJew - they have gone full Borat

Genocide is apparently OK.

But booing the representative of genocide is apparently “bullying”.

Who would have thought that people whose entire sense of self depends on cheerleading the worst people on earth would cheerlead Israel.

They’ll be cheerleading Russia for the win in 2025 in Jerusalem.

It’ll be a lot like 2016 with lads demanding a change in voting system.

Also expect the same effort they put into understanding the demographics small towns in Ohio in the next couple of days. Scouring the internet to find where there might be the most Israeli sympathies in Europe.

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I’d imagine we are minutes away from expertise on how to hack a televoting system and European Broadcasting Union member states Jewish populations and far right leanings with an interest in song contests.


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Israelis are quick to point out that 2 million arabs live in Israel and apartheid doesn’t exist. But you criticise Israel and you’re accused of antisemitism :person_shrugging:t2:

Cool it with the anti semetic remarks

Sorry bud

Looks like the far right posters who want to keep their anti-Semitism under wraps have turned on the far right posters who are confident in being openly anti-Semitic.

Take that Israel.

You need to read the post fella.