Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

Wasn’t that the Romans?

In other news, Bambi Thug is a Protestant from Cork.

Yes, your focus and tone. You were quite snide and disparaging about the student protests for example (tone) and your focus has been on alleged antisemitism in the movement.

I’ve not denied there is antisemitism in Ireland or may have been within the student movement. However, any examples I’ve seen from any of the people alleging antisemitism (I gave the example of Oliver Sears, you posted a video of two other lads alleging antisemitism) were false. Those same three people alleging antisemitism (with no examples of actual antisemitism cited) all go on to repeat standard false pro-israeli talking points/propaganda.

The same people who are happy to routinely dismiss non-Jewish non-white people when they speak about racism are happy to go along with the obvious concerted political strategy of deeming all but the most tepid of tepid criticisms of Israel as anti-Semitism.

They’re also happy to go along with the intimidation and smearing of actual Jews opposed to Israeli genocide, by non-Jewish Germans.

It speaks volumes for just how absurd things have got when Israel’s greatest support base in Europe is the anti-Semitic far right, which has its roots in Nazism.

No. The jews condemned jesus to death ffs. Have you been living under a rock these last 2000 years?

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Kilkenny/Cark… Yes.

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The anti-apartheid protestors must be so embarrassed 54 years later. In reality what they were doing was bullying South African rugby players.


Actually I was more critical of them claiming to he anti genocide and then all sitting down to allow C Daly to give them a speech.

And I thought allowing that particular flag was silly.

You are at it again.

“Alleging anti semitism”

You wouldn’t demand that from any other minority, but you question Irish Jews. Why is that?

It’s quite obvious why that is. Allegations of antisemitism are used to shut down criticism of Israel. Many of the examples of antisemitism commonly complained of are not in fact antisemitism. A number of the examples appended to the IHRA definition are mendacious. Do we accept Netanyahu’s allegations of antisemitism thrown at anyone and everyone? No we do not. Should we accept, without scrutiny, allegations of antisemitism in Ireland from speakers who in the same breath repeat absurd Israeli propaganda? No we should not.

Eurovision chaos as Dutch act BANNED from rehearsals as investigation launched

Eurovision Song Contest, which has been under fire for months, has released a statement on Dutch act Joost Klein

Eurovision chaos as Dutch act BANNED from rehearsals as investigation launched (

Image: Ritzau Scanpix/AFP via Getty Ima)


Zara WoodcockShowbiz Reporter

  • 14:33, 10 May 2024

  • UPDATED15:04, 10 MAY 2024

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The organisers of the Eurovision Song Contest have said that Dutch act Joost Klein won’t be rehearsing “until further notice” after an incident.

Joost did not deliver his song on Friday and was only seen during the flag parade before disappearing. In a statement shared with the PA, the European Broadcasting Union said: "We are currently investigating an incident that was reported to us involving the Dutch artist. He will not be rehearsing until further notice. We have no further comment at this time and will update in due course.”

It comes after the Netherlands act talked to Israel’s act Eden Golan about her participation in the contest during Thursday’s press conference. He told her she should answer a question regarding whether her participation was compromising the safety of other contestants.

A journalist had questioned Eden: “Have you ever thought that by being here you bring risk and danger for other participants and public?” Her moderator told her she didn’t have to answer the question.

Joost quickly added: “Why not?” to the moderator’s statement. Eden soon answered: "I think we’re all here for one reason and one reason only and the EBU (European Broadcasting Union) is taking all safety precautions to make this a safe and united place for everyone and so I think it’s safe for everyone and we wouldn’t be here (if not).”

She also said she was “overwhelmed with emotions” and was “super excited to go on stage” to perform her song Hurricane, which was reworked from an early song called October Rain, which was thought to be in reference to the October 7 attack. Earlier in the conference, Joost was asked whether his song for the contest could unite people by music.

He simply replied: "I think that’s a good question for the EBU.” It was also reported by local media that Joost faced an investigation following another issue on Thursday. The European Broadcasting Union have been clear about its stance on political messages being shown at Eurovision as well as flags and symbols from other non-competing countries.

However, the EBU did ban Russia from the competition in 2022 after Vladimir Putin invaded neighbouring country Ukraine. Even though Israel isn’t in Europe, it’s been allowed to take part because the Israel Broadcasting Authority (IBA) is a member of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU). Israel first took part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1973 and has won twice since then.

The EBU released another statement earlier this week after Swedish-Palestinian singer and former contestant Eric Saade wrapped a keffiyeh around his arm during his performance. The EBU said the body “regrets” the moment, while Saade said it was a “way of showing a part of my origin” and was a gift as a child from his father, who is of Palestinian origin

Nobody has mentioned the running order in all the posts today. Ukraine have been absolutely buried as was my fear. They’ve been handed draw 2 of 26. No one has won the show from 1 or 2 - but 2 especially is considered the coffin box. The producers obviously don’t want another win for Ukraine when they can’t host. I would draw a line through them entirely now despite the betting odds (28.0) hasn’t totally given up on them. To me though they’re done.

Another who I stated before had momentum on his side was the Netherlands - but they’ve also been handed a shit draw in slot 5, right before Israel in 6 and Lithuania in 7 - two other up tempo songs. This smacks of punishment as they did something similar with Malta a few years ago who were favourites before the draw but as she was considered difficult to deal with back stage they punished her with a 6 slot and her chances were gone. Really you can’t be any lower than 9, and generally higher you are the better. The rumours are he tried to smuggle in anti Israel gear yesterday on stage and was caught, and at the moment his participation is up in the air as he’s currently “suspended pending investigation” and did not take part in this afternoons rehearsal.

As has been touched on in earlier posts the market was hit with a bomb last night when Italy accidentally leaked their semi final scoring tallies which had Israel scoring a massive 40% against 15 other countries. I think next best was on 6%. After that Israel’s odds for the overall win went from 80.0 into 2/1 in probably 15-30mins. The Italian broadcaster in apologising for the leak said they were “incomplete or partial” results suggesting Israel’s tally may not have been that high in truth but still there is enough there that has people adding two and two together and rightfully deciding that there is a plan afoot for Israel to manipulate the tele voting in each country to ensure they score a massive total.

The common consensus is in an open year 450 points will get you the win and if they get 10s and 12s everywhere by manipulating votes then they could conceivably hit over 400pts just on the televote (with the same totals available to be gained on the jury side) . The highest ever televote was 439pts for Ukraine when the war kicked off in 2022. The feeling or hope now is that the leak might spring the juries to action who may now subconsciously mark Israel down in their scores to balance the books - as a win for them would be a sham and another knock to the competition after the Ukraine fiasco of 2022. Israel have been somewhat buried in 6 or at least a bit inconvenienced and have two good tracks around them. The Netherlands being disqualified though would help them as they would then have likely last place finisher Luxembourg on just before them.

My other fancy was France and he could not have done any better on the draw landing in 25 of 26. He has halved in odds and is also the favourite to be ahead after the jury scores are all revealed. He needed as late a draw as possible to pick up televotes and if he could get to 4th or 5th with home viewers it might well be enough to get over the line. The other jury darling is Switzerland who also have a great draw in 21 surrounded by rubbish. The feeling is both Switzerland and France will be leading the way at half way but won’t do enough with tele voters - I’m hoping now one of them does. I think both are good each way bets as both should finish top 4. The Swiss are 6/1 and France are 12/1. I see the top 4 as some combination of these two plus the two favs Croatia and Israel.


Did you write that yourself?

Yes of course why?


It’s very comprehensive, just wasn’t sure

This is the best Eurovision analysis you will find anywhere - you’re lucky to be getting it.


How are we looking ?

In need of professional help by the looks of it.


Rachel is a lying shit.

Objections to high profile people at Eurovision associating with Eden Golan has nothing to do with her being a Jew and everything to do with her being Israel’s designated cultural whitewasher for genocide.

Rachel knows this full well of course, but Rachel has chosen the path of being a propagandist for genocide.

This is quite a thread: