Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems


In eleven years that I have been covering #Eurovision I have never felt so unsafe at the festival. Several Israeli journalists have decided to intimidate and scold me for having shouted #FreePalestine after the Isra-hell rehearsal. They are not going to scare us. They are not going to silence us.

In summary, you need to be on at peak marching powder time amongst the judges.

I never realised the Jury votes were based on performances tonight rather than the night itself

How did we go? What time do the points get phoned in?

Jesus I thought everyone knew that.

I never knew that. This changes everything.

The arena looks to be full about 5 nights in a row. Sure no wonder it’s a week long trip for the diehard fans

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A load of angry gay lads. The bitching must be off the charts.

Some of them on the late late now

Is it possible the entire integrity of Eurovision can be called into question? Is the whole thing bent?

Yeah that’s been the case a long time. They rehearse the entire Saturday night final on the Friday afternoon as the show will run on the Saturday and then again on Friday night which counts as the jury vote. The acts behave differently for the jury show - example less shouty or off script compared to the following night for the televote.

A big problem for France backers is Slimane was reported to have inexplicably put in his worst performance ever of his song and on the worst possible night - his voice cracked is what I’m reading during his acapella moment where he steps 5ft back from the mic to sing. Hes been perfect on this every time bar tonight. This will surely cost him enough votes now that he doesn’t top the jury vote. I think Switzerland are a good thing to top this side of the vote, just hope they don’t alienate televoters totally with their weirdness.

Competition favourites Croatia were said to have nailed their performance, roof came off the place.

Joost from the Netherlands is being investigated by Swedish police whatever it is he’s done (feels like some kind of assault last night). As of now his live participation for tomorrow night is still in doubt. Rumours are it was due to an altercation with someone from the Israeli delegation. If he is allowed to play tomorrow night he will bring the house down.

I have Joost backed from weeks back on recommendation from my PP Eurovision analysts. Price shorter than now however :disappointed:

“Quite obvious” because they are the minority that is apparently cool to question over their lived experience, despite the fact that they were the minority brutalised on this continent in the last 80 years.

If you want to cite particular “mendacious” (funny word to use in relation to the Jews) accusations then go ahead.

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Funny enough prior to what happened the other night his bid to win was dead in the water - he’d lost all momentum, the song was in a very bad draw in 5 and his performance was considered too hammed up which would appeal to televoters but alienate jurors.

He’d drifted to about 80.0 after the running order reveal but now with his whole participation still up in the air on the morning of the contest he’s into 50.0! There is a massive ground swell of support for him as the feeling is (rightly or wrongly) that he’s been very harshly done by . If he’s allowed back in the reception will be huge and all the TV channels will be talking about it so this has actually increased his chances of a win considerably.


One of the big bookmakers should be paying you for this content

Are the results of the televote broken down country by country when they announce the results?

Not immediately

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No. The jury votes (the experts/judges) are what you’ll see first - they will go country by country for this. Then at end of this process we will see the picture of the scoreboard after jury process is complete - I expect the order to be something like 1. Swiss 2. France 3. Croatia at this point - something like that. Expect the juries to coalesce around hindering Israel who we expect to get likely the best televote - so I expect Israel quite a bit down after the jury scores reveal in a bid to prevent their win (which would be a disaster). The televotes are dumped on us then in totality - so they start with whoever is last after jury stage and call out their total first and so on.

I didn’t think I’d be saying this a week ago but with my initial fancies in trouble due to bad draws, possible expulsion and a cracked voice at the worst time in front of juries - I’ve come down now on Switzerland as my main hope to beat Croatia/Israel. His staging is fantastic and unique, he has to sing a difficult song while spinning on a saucer and jumping around, I think this will be richly rewarded by juries and with him getting a plum draw in 21 I’m hoping the televoters won’t find it too weird and maybe have him somewhere like 4th which may just be enough to get over the line if we get the big two underperforming a little bit. His price has started to come in a bit again was 6/1 yesterday which was a great each way bet to nothing as I don’t see him outside the top 4.

I like a few other selections in the side markets:

To top jury vote - think this will be Switzerland and have backed him at 5/6 but if my theory is right and the juries coalesce around something to ensure Israel doesn’t win, then Croatia are possibly the compronise choice - 8/1 for them to top jury vote is a bit of value

To finish last place - Spain are 15/8 and while terrible and a worthy fav the audience go wild for it and it might just get enough televotes to keep off the bottom, also Portugal should be worth some points to them automatically. Germany are 7/2 and the uk 11/2 but I think both likely get some jury scores that might also keep them off the foot of the table. So the ones I like for last are Luxembourg 6/1, Slovenia 25/1, Austria 33/1.


I think that’s quite a stupid response. Antisemitism is bad, no one should condone it. But, the problems of the IHRA definition are well documented. If you refuse to see that then you’re either purposely being obtuse or just dumb. Israel accusing all and sundry of antisemitism in response to any criticism is well documented. Once again, I’ve not denied there may be antisemitism in Ireland or in protests in Ireland. But there’ve been a number of commentators (Sears and the two lads in your video) who’ve complained of it, yet none of the examples they’ve offered are actually examples of antisemitism and they push discredited Israeli propaganda in the breath.