Eurovision 2024 - Malmo Money Malmo Problems

Everything is forgiven eventually. The Brits are favourites to win this year.

Or Red Hurley

The Eurovision Gods will only be appeased with a blood sacrifice. I propose Marty Whelan.

Has to be Johnny Logan unfortunately

We never seem to rocknroll anymore

The Eurovision hasn’t bothered much with music recently.

Bambie will be partying with the clintons and the podestas before the year is out. Guaranteed.


All kinds of everything for sure with young Bambi.:rofl:

Gareth O’Callaghan was writing in the Examiner yesterday that Ireland are going to walk the Eurovision and asking where will RTE find the 30 million needed to host it?

Sick oul nonsense goes mainstream. Who’da thunk it


We are back baby.

1/4 to qualify for the final.

All we had to do was lean into the genderbendedness of eurovision.

Not a hope. The Eurovision gods are yet to be appeased for sending the turkey over.

We’ll win this handy.

Ole ole ole ole

Not going to happen lads. Ireland will never win the Eurovision again.

Enoch Bourke will have a knipchen in his cell

Current top four in the betting are
Switzerland 21/10
Netherlands 7/2
Croatia 7/2
Italy 5/1

Had a quick listen to most of the favourites’ entries today, even though this feels like opening your Christmas presents the night before. On a skim listening, the top three are all utter shite. The Italian entry is not bad. France and Sweden are OK.

The Israeli cunts could do very well with the public in this. Every Jew in Europe will be on the blower voting for them multiple times. They could even win it.

Our entry is the best I’ve heard.
