Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Late 80s early 90s I’d say. Can’t remember if it actually had a market licence. If not we’d go to the Kiwi off night shift and then into the Lucky Lamp for pool. They’d be locals in there at that hour with their own pool queues.

Fitted for your gimp suit down in Utopia. I’d say you’ve a Kerry town named stitched into the lining as your safety word and all.


Only went into Quins (one ‘n’ I think) a few times back in the day.

Alan Jacques wrote a piece about if a few years ago

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Wait till Forbes hear about this.

Isnt Quinn’s now a garden centre type shop ??

Nope. The Garden Centre (Garden World) is there years and years. He refused to sell up when The Opera Centre was supposed to happen.

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The garden centre is gone.

Are you sure?
I though it was just closed due to Covid.

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It’s gone the entire street is boarded up inside the construction site now.

Informative. I know his son and daughter from back in the day. Neither are local anymore so he must have retired.

It’s gone. It closed during last summer.

Website gone now.
I was ringing earlier in the spring, no answer.

He’s a nice enough fellow. Used work in Newsoms before it closed. Setup Gardeners World then.

Last time I was in I asked him to carry out a couple of bags of grit for me.
You’re on your own he said. My back is shot.

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Pity, he was the only place in Limerick where you’d get a decent John Innes No.2 and Horticultural Grit.
Although the Busy Bee had some good enough stuff this year.

I see the Armed Response Unit in Mungret outside the chipper.Looks serious.

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The garden centre in Ardnacrusha is the best in Limerick (I know), busy bees is grand as well.

Someone got no stuffing in their chicken supper??

The Busy Bee are trying hard. Not easy with Woodies down the road. Very friendly and helpful.
Never been to the one in Ardmacrusha. Where’s that?

As an aside I was in Woodies yesterday. The garden centre outside was railed off and closed. So they had all the plant trolleys wheeled in and planked in the main isles. So now you have to squeeze past people to pass down the isles. Not quiet what the government intended by closing garden centres I’d say.

Woodies (garden centre) was shut last week, along with the independent garden centres.
B+Q and the Co-op in Raheem were thronged, an absolute joke

The Ardnacrusha centre is just before Barry’s on the right hand side, a nice spin out but well worth it

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The lad up by weigh-inn / spellacys did a roaring trade last April & May. He had the only place open selling compost & bedding plants. He also sells animal feed.