Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Fairly sure he was shot in the middle of the day. Refused to hand over the cash

I always thought it was the night of the switchover.

No it was 2004 or 2005

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Yeah,that was Charlieā€™s own fault. It was greed what done it. He was asking for it. :rollseyes:

Thatā€™s the exact same logic as saying it was the rape victims fault because she wore a short skirt. Thereā€™s no difference in the reasoning and logic behind both viewpoints.

Weā€™re getting a very clear picture of the type of individual weā€™re dealing with here. Bitter, warped and dangerous.

Jesus Christ comparing a womans rape to a stupid cunt who wouldnā€™t hand over money at gun point, that beats all.


Victim blaming ā€¦ A new low for the forum.

I donā€™t know anything about Chawke, but if he was shot having refused to hand over the money Iā€™d have an awful lot of respect for him, rather than the other way around.

It was his own fault he was shot because he was doing his own banking? This is the logic?

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If a traveller shot Charlie Chawke who would @Bartholemew_the_Ladd have the greatest truck with?

I presume he would have been insured anyway for the theft?

Exactly. A nutter capable of actually pointing a gun at you would encourage anyone to hand over whatever was on their person, no matter what it was or how much it was worth. BMB conflating issues to suit his own agenda again.

I didnā€™t compare the robbery to a rape, I made a comparison to the logic of victim blaming. But clearly youā€™re too much of a stupid bastard to be able to understand such.

It was his own fault sure, he deserved it :rollseyes: A mindset weā€™ve heard before. Often in criminal trials of sex crimes.

Victim blaming is a truly bizarre mindset, itā€™s not like Charlie was high on drugs or a threat to anyone.

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Charlie is a hero, bizarre that fellas are castigating him for not meekly handing over his hard earned money, many people carry guns, not many are prepared to use them

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Go way you spoofing cunt :rollseyes:, use your brain a bit the next time before talking through your hole.

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Living in a fairytale world once again I see.

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Your poor comprehension skills letting you down big time here :laughing:

Charlie deserved to be shot :rollseyes:

You really are a misfortune all the same, telpis.

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Charlie was all dressed up too the night he was shot, he was just gagging for it. Serves him right :rollseyes: