Even more mayhem regarding Limerick

Are you ok petal? The frustration is oozing out of you now.


You are defeated

Ah yes the old “I have zero maneuverability here so will just claim I have an internet victory” classic TFK :laughing: Telpis.

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Coconut in short supply in Limerick back in the day methinks loads of the other variety of nuts though


Madman comes running at you to demand the contends of the bag you are carrying. What is your first thought?

How to deal with psycho gunmen.
    1. I’ll try to bargain with him and appeal to the innate goodness that is surely in there somewhere.
    1. Think, ‘according to statistics, more than 60% of lads that carry guns won’t actually use them’
    1. I’ll pretend I didn’t hear him screaming blue murder at me and threatening to fire the weapon in the hope that he’ll just fuck off and leave me alone.
    1. I’d better log into TFK and ask the lads there who seem to have an answer to everything.
    1. Hand over the bag of cash, its insured anyway, and beg the psychotic cunt not to shoot while not engaging in any eye to eye contact.

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There’s not much room to manoeuvre needed when you believe a guy sitting into his car after a day’s work deserved to be shot because he refused to hand money over. It’s the exact same logic as saying a girl deserved to be raped because she was drunk/because of what she was wearing/because she went back to a house party etc.

If you can’t see the comparison in logic then I can’t help you mush

You forgot

Hand it over because if I don’t I 100% deserve to be shot

Show me exactly where I stated he “deserved” to be shot. I called him a stupid cunt for refusing to hand over cash to a lad with a sawn off shotgun, that is not “victim shaming” that is my opinion on his actions, he was foolish to put his life in harms way by antagonizing the situation.

Comparing this to rape in any form including relating it as victim shaming is just bizarre, there is zero choice for a rape victim in any circumstance and that shouldn’t need to be explained to anyone.

sheep rams GIF


The things that make this place explode :rofl:

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Nothing will ever top the war over the photo of a field of rushes.

You liked Batts post which said greed was the cause of him losing his leg and you followed it up with saying he was a stupid cunt not to just hand over the money.

Victim Shaming. 100%. Exactly the same logic as the logic behind victim shaming a rape victim.

Chalky has gone up 1000 fold in my estimation.
Not saying I’d have done the same but fair play to the man

Did he hold on to the money and lose the leg?

No odds worth a bad risk as they say. I’d say there are very very few would do it when it comes to it. A lot of those doing the gangland hits are supposedly addicts.

Its only money sure. Fuck that


I know of a case where an independent shopkeeper was subject to an attempted robbery and he only had a few hundred euro in the till on a Saturday evening - this is going back a few years but still,

He told the two cunts to fuck off and one of them hit him over the head with a handgun a few times but luckily then a customer came in and they fled.

He just refused to give them anything which is very admirable. I think its hard to know how one person would react to that situation from another.

Was his own independent business, 100% genuine story and you’d have to say a heart warming one.

I respect his stubbornness, but it cost him his leg which means nothing at all to me and a lot to him. If there wasn’t lads like him around armed crime would be a far more attractive proposition for scumbags, there’s very few lads want to fire a gun at somebody

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Was a report in the paper during the week about a manager of a centra in Dublin last week. The shop got robbed and he chased the robber down the street. Didn’t catch him came back to the shop and had a heart attack and died. Apparently he was a v popular man there was loads of tribute being paid to him


Yeah look you can argue all day long what the right thing to do was etc but it’s easy talk shit. He was held at gunpoint and refused to yield, for whatever reason.

Saying it was his own fault or that it was his own greed that caused it or that he was a stupid cunt for not handing it over etc etc is 100% justifying the act and tells you all you need to know about the creeps shouting this stuff.